AR# 44969


AXI Bridge for PCI Express - Release Notes and Known Issues for All Versions up to ISE 14.7


This Release Notes and Known Issues Answer Record is for the AXI Bridge for PCI Express, which was first released in EDK 13.2 and contains the following information:

  • General Information
  • Supported Devices
  • Resolved Issues
  • Known Issues


General Information

The ISE Design Suite 14.7 release contains the v1.09.a core.

For release notes on standalone Xilinx PCI Express Block cores, see the IP Release Notes Guide.

All PCI Express Documents can be found at:

For High Speed transceivers known issues and answer record list, see (Xilinx Answer 37179).


For AXI Bridge for PCI Express v2.2 core release notes, see (Xilinx Answer 54646).

Supported Devices

  • Kintex-7, Virtex-7, Artix-7, Virtex-6, Spartan-6

Note: For the previous version "New Features" and "Supported Devices", see the change_log.html.

Known Issues

This table correlates the core version to the first ISE design tools release in which it was included.

Core Version ISE / Vivado Version
v1.09.a ISE 14.7
v1.08.a ISE 14.6
v1.07.a ISE 14.5
v1.06.a ISE 14.4 / Vivado 2012.4
v1.05.a ISE 14.3 / Vivado 2012.3
v1.04.a ISE 14.2
v1.03.a ISE 14.1
v1.02.a ISE 13.4
v1.01.a ISE 13.3
v1.00.a ISE 13.2

The following table provides known issues for the AXI interface version of the AXI Bridge for PCI Express.

Note: The "Version Found" column lists the version that the problem was first discovered. The problem might also exist in earlier versions, but no specific testing has been performed to verify earlier versions.

Answer Record Title Version Found Version Resolved
(Xilinx Answer 61571)
Support for Automotive Parts.
v1.09.a Not Resolved Yet
(Xilinx Answer 59078) Are GTH devices supported? v1.09.a Not Resolved Yet
(Xilinx Answer 57835) Root Port Receives Slave Error During Enumeration Causing Processor to Hang v1.08.a Not Resolved Yet
(Xilinx Answer 56990) Synthesis Fails on AXI_SLAVE_READ Module with C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH Set to 13 or Higher v1.08.a v2.2
(Xilinx Answer 56170) Incorrect NCF and UCF period constraint generated when using 100 MHz or 250 MHz reference clock v1.07.a Not Resolved Yet
(Xilinx Answer 55083) Root Port Can Not Enumerate (Send Configuration Packets) to Devices with Non-Zero Device Number v1.07.a v1.08.a
(Xilinx Answer 55348) Interrupt Decode Register gets wrongly set when performing DMA with ASPM enabled in RC mode v1.07.a Not Resolved Yet
(Xilinx Answer 55349) AXI Bridge becomes unresponsive when performing DMA with ASPM enabled in RC mode v1.06.a Not Resolved Yet
(Xilinx Answer 55350) The core in EP mode fails with corrupted data written to memory when configured for x4Gen2 on Zynq devices v1.06.a v1.07.a
(Xilinx Answer 55351) Missing completion for Memory Read when configured as RC x4Gen2 on Zynq devices v1.06.a v1.07.a
(Xilinx Answer 53740) (ISE 14.4 / 2012.4) - No Clock Output on TXOUTCLK at Cold Temperature v1.06.a v1.07.a
(Xilinx Answer 53511) (Vivado 2012.3) - [IP_Flow 19_1710] Problem delivering 'Verilog Synthesis' files for IP 'axi_pcie_v1_05_a_0' v1.05.a v1.06.a
(Xilinx Answer 53114) Incorrect UCF constraint generated when using 250 MHz reference clock v1.05.a v1.06.a
(Xilinx Answer 51699) PCIe core not detected in Base System Builder (BSB) Design for KC705 Rev C Board v1.04 a Not Resolved Yet
(Xilinx Answer 52688) Completion TLP not generated when configured as Root Complex on Zynq devices v1.04.a v1.05.a
(Xilinx Answer 52687) Default value of C_PCIEBAR2AXIBAR_*_SEC v1.04.a v1.05.a
(Xilinx Answer 52686) The core replies with incorrect data when reading Configuration Space for invalid Devices v1.04.a v1.05.a
(Xilinx Answer 52685) Link trains down due to incoming MWr packets v1.04.a v1.05.a
(Xilinx Answer 52684) Incorrect MSI Message routing in 128-bit mode operation v1.04.a v1.05.a
(Xilinx Answer 52679) Directed Link Change is not supported v1.04.a v1.05.a
(Xilinx Answer 52678) Completion Payload greater than MPS Value v1.04.a v1.05.a
(Xilinx Answer 52677) The core runs into Fatal Error during multiple MRds upstream v1.04.a v1.05.a
(Xilinx Answer 50633) Root Port Implementation does byte swap to the completion packet for a configuration read issued to an Endpoint device v1.03.a v1.05.a
(Xilinx Answer 50634) Memory Write to address 0x0000_0000 is treated as an MSI Request in Gen1X8 and Gen2X4 Endpoint configuration v1.03.a v1.05.a
(Xilinx Answer 46622) Large AXI initiated read request may cause pre-mature completion timeout v1.02.a v1.04.a
(Xilinx Answer 44665) No DRC for overrunning the AXI memory mapped space v1.00.a Not Resolved Yet
(Xilinx Answer 44700) C_PCIEBAR2AXIBAR_# restriction on bits lower than C_PCIBAR_LEN_# v1.00.a Not Resolved Yet
(Xilinx Answer 43709) The GUI does not allow C_AXIBAR2PCIEBAR_# to accept 64-bit address values v1.00.a Not Resolved Yet
(Xilinx Answer 46638) No response to zero length memory read requests when configured as x4 gen2 or x8 gen1 v1.02.a v1.03a
(Xilinx Answer 46647) Zero-length write transactions on the AXI Slave port cause the AXI interface to hang v1.02.a v1.03a
(Xilinx Answer 46623) Using 128-bit Interface (x8 Gen 1 or x4 Gen 2), an array size mismatch occurs on Completions with Data v1.02.a v1.03a
(Xilinx Answer 46649) Spartan-6 32-bit interface AXI Initiated Write Request Creates Malformed TLP v1.02.a v1.03a
(Xilinx Answer 46646) In Root Port configuration memory read TLP completions can be dropped if both configuration and memory read TLPs are outstanding v1.02.a v1.03a
(Xilinx Answer 46624) Root Port Configuration BAR miss is passed to AXI MM Bridge v1.02.a v1.03a
(Xilinx Answer 46563) Selecting 128-bit Interface Width gives ERROR:HDLCompiler:410 error v1.02.a v1.03a
(Xilinx Answer 46273) Kintex-7 simulation will not link train when C_PCIE_USE_MODE = 1.0 (IES) v1.02.a v1.03a
(Xilinx Answer 46235) x8 gen1 and x4 gen2 do not have a DRC to ensure a 128-bit interface v1.02.a v1.03a
(Xilinx Answer 46100) x8 gen 1 for Virtex-6 should issue a DRC error v1.02.a v1.03a
(Xilinx Answer 46685) Support for Virtex-7 in 13.4 v1.02.a v1.03a
(Xilinx Answer 45988) 1 DW Write Transactions on the AXI4 Slave Interface create Malformed TLPs when using a 32-bit AXI Data Width v1.00.a v1.03a
(Xilinx Answer 44074) Enumerating multiple 64-bit BARs to 32-bit BARs might cause issues for the 64-bit AXI data width v1.00.a v1.03a
(Xilinx Answer 44211) MSI interrupts only supports a single vector v1.00.a v1.03a
(Xilinx Answer 45234) 64-bit TLPs are generated when requested address is less than 4GB v1.00.a v1.03a
(Xilinx Answer 42642) AXI interconnect frequency cannot be determined when using the axi_aclk_out clock v1.00.a v1.02a
(Xilinx Answer 45078) Integer overflow error when simulating in NCSim v1.00.a v1.02a
(Xilinx Answer 43681) Root Complex option does not have a DRC v1.00.a v1.01.a
(Xilinx Answer 43708) Changing C_AXIBAR_NUM does not gray out unused C_AXIBAR_# v1.00.a v1.01.a
(Xilinx Answer 43313) m_axi_arlockand m_axi_arcache are connected to the AXI write address channel v1.00.a v1.01.a
(Xilinx Answer 43263) AXI data width does not have device dependent DRC v1.00.a v1.01.a
(Xilinx Answer 43805) Mastering on the AXI-lite interconnect with a 64-bit AXI data width interface causes DECERR v1.00.a v1.01.a
(Xilinx Answer 44976) Writes transactions to AXI4-lite Control Interface result in SLVERR v1.00.a v1.01.a


Other Information


(Xilinx Answer 43371) AXI Bridge for PCI Express - Working Example Design for the ML605 Development Board
(Xilinx Answer 43677) AXI Bridge for PCI Express - Working Example Design for the SP605 Development Board
(Xilinx Answer 43706) AXI Bridge for PCI Express - How to connect the axi_aclk and axi_ctl_aclk Ports
(Xilinx Answer 44929) AXI Bridge for PCI Express - Reading from the Control Registers in the Bridge Returns Incorrect Values
(Xilinx Answer 44972) AXI Bridge for PCI Express - FAQs
(Xilinx Answer 45158) AXI Bridge for PCI Express - Does the bridge need to be setup via the control interface?
(Xilinx Answer 45159) AXI Bridge for PCI Express - Is a processor necessary for the bridge?
(Xilinx Answer 47603) AXI Bridge for PCI Express - Converting the BSB Endpoint into a Root Complex
(Xilinx Answer 45061) AXI Bridge for PCI Express - Instance names of the transceivers for location constraints
(Xilinx Answer 50261) AXI Bridge for PCI Express - v1.03.a - "ERROR:Pack:1130 - Symbol....."MSI_CAP_MULTIMSGCAP" with an illegal value of "16"."


Revision History


07/24/2014 Added (Xilinx Answer 61571)
01/15/2014 Added (Xilinx Answer 59078)
10/23/2013 Updated for 14.7
10/07/2013 Added (Xilinx Answer 57835)
08/26/2013 Added (Xilinx Answer 56990)
07/31/2013 Added (Xilinx Answer 51699)
06/19/2013 Updated for 14.6
05/30/2013 Added (Xilinx Answer 56170)
05/15/2013 Added (Xilinx Answer 55083)
04/03/2013 Updated for ISE 14.5 release/
01/21/2013 Added (Xilinx Answer 53740)
12/18/2012 Updated for 14.4/2012.4 design tools release
11/29/2012 Added (Xilinx Answer 53114)
10/23/2012 Updated for 14.3 / 2012.3 design tools release
07/25/2012 Updated for 14.2 design tools release
05/08/2012 Updated for 14.1 design tools release
03/06/2012 Added 46685
03/05/2012 Added 46638, 46647, 46623, 46649, 46646, 46622, 46624, 46563
02/29/2012 Updated the transceiver constraint
02/27/2012 Added 46563
02/15/2012 Added 46100, 46235, 46273
01/24/2012 Added 45988
01/18/2012 Updated for ISE 13.4 software and v1.02a
12/01/2011 Added 45234
11/27/2011 Added 43709 and 44976
11/21/2011 Initial release



Answer Number 问答标题 问题版本 已解决问题的版本
46685 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - Support for Virtex-7 FPGA in 13.4 N/A N/A
46649 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - Spartan-6 32-bit inteface AXI Initiated Write Request Creates Malformed TLP N/A N/A
46647 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - zero-length write transactions on the AXI Slave port cause the AXI interface to hang N/A N/A
46646 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - In Root Port mode, memory read completion can be lost if Memory Read TLPs and Configuration TLPs are outstanding at the same time N/A N/A
46638 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - The bridge does not respond to memory read requests with a length of 0 when configured as x4 gen2 or x8 gen1 N/A N/A
46273 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - Kintex-7 simulation will not link train when C_PCIE_USE_MODE = 1.0 (IES) N/A N/A
46235 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - x8 gen1 and x4 gen2 do not have a DRC to ensure a 128-bit interface N/A N/A
45988 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - 1 DW Write Transactions on the AXI4 Slave interface create malformed TLPs when using a 32-bit AXI data width N/A N/A
45234 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - 64-bit TLPs are generated when requested address is less than 4GB N/A N/A
45078 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - Integer overflow error when simulating in NCSim N/A N/A
44976 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - Writes transactions to AXI4-lite Control Interface result in SLVERR N/A N/A
44972 AXI Bridge for PCI Express FAQ N/A N/A
44700 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - C_PCIEBAR2AXIBAR_# restriction on bits lower than C_PCIBAR_LEN_# N/A N/A
44665 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - No DRC for overrunning the AXI memory mapped space N/A N/A
44211 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - MSI interrupts only supports a single vector N/A N/A
44074 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - Enumerating multiple 64-bit BARs to 32-bit BARs might cause issues for the 64-bit AXI data width N/A N/A
43709 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - The GUI does not allow C_AXIBAR2PCIEBAR_# to accept 64-bit address values N/A N/A
43681 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - Root Complex Option does not have a DRC N/A N/A
43313 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - m_axi_arlock and m_axi_arcache are connected to the AXI write address channel N/A N/A
42642 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - AXI Interconnect frequency cannot be determined when using the axi_aclk_out clock N/A N/A
46100 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - x8 gen 1 for Virtex-6 FPGA should issue a DRC error N/A N/A
50261 AXI Bridge for PCI Express v1.03.a - "ERROR:Pack:1130 - Symbol....."MSI_CAP_MULTIMSGCAP" with an illegal value of "16"." N/A N/A
50633 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - Root Port Implementation does byte swap to the completion packet for a configuration read issued to an Endpoint device N/A N/A
50634 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - Memory Write to address 0x0000_0000 is treated as an MSI Request in Gen1X8 and Gen2X4 Endpoint configuration N/A N/A
51699 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - PCIe core not detected in Base System Builder (BSB) Design for KC705 Rev C Board N/A N/A
52677 AXI Bridge for PCI Express v1.04.a - The core runs into a Fatal Error during multiple MRds upstream N/A N/A
52678 AXI Bridge for PCI Express v1.04.a - Completion Payload greater than MPS Value N/A N/A
52679 AXI Bridge for PCI Express v1.04.a - Directed Link Change is not supported N/A N/A
52683 AXI Bridge for PCI Express v1.04.a - Latch and Sensitivity List Warning Messages N/A N/A
52684 AXI Bridge for PCI Express v1.04.a - Incorrect MSI Message routing in 128-bit mode operation N/A N/A
52685 面向 PCI Express v1.04.a 的 AXI 桥接器 – 链路因输入的 MWr 数据包而变窄 N/A N/A
52686 AXI Bridge for PCI Express v1.04.a - The core replies with incorrect data when reading Configuration Space for invalid Devices N/A N/A
52687 AXI Bridge for PCI Express v1.04.a - Default value of C_PCIEBAR2AXIBAR_*_SEC N/A N/A
52688 AXI Bridge for PCI Express v1.04.a - Completion TLP not generated when configured as Root Complex on Zynq devices N/A N/A
53511 AXI Bridge for PCI Express v1.05.a [Vivado 2012.3] - [IP_Flow 19_1710] Problem delivering 'Verilog Synthesis' files for IP 'axi_pcie_v1_05_a_0' N/A N/A
55083 用于PCI Express v1.07a的AXI Bridge-根端口无法枚举(发送配置数据包) 非0设备号的设备。 N/A N/A
55348 AXI Bridge for PCI Express v1.07.a - Interrupt Decode Register gets wrongly set when performing DMA with ASPM enabled in RC mode N/A N/A
55349 AXI Bridge for PCI Express v1.06.a - AXI Bridge becomes unresponsive when performing DMA with ASPM enabled in RC mode N/A N/A
55350 AXI Bridge for PCI Express v1.06.a - The core in EP mode fails with corrupted data written to memory when configured for x4Gen2 on Zynq devices N/A N/A
55351 AXI Bridge for PCI Express v1.06.a - Missing completion for Memory Read when configured as RC x4Gen2 on Zynq devices N/A N/A
56990 AXI Memory Mapped to PCI Express v1.08a - Synthesis Fails on AXI_SLAVE_READ Module with C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH Set to 13 or Higher N/A N/A
57835 AXI Bridge for PCI Express v1.08a - Root Port Receives Slave Error During Enumeration Causing Processor to Hang N/A N/A


Answer Number 问答标题 问题版本 已解决问题的版本
46685 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - Support for Virtex-7 FPGA in 13.4 N/A N/A
46649 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - Spartan-6 32-bit inteface AXI Initiated Write Request Creates Malformed TLP N/A N/A
46647 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - zero-length write transactions on the AXI Slave port cause the AXI interface to hang N/A N/A
46646 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - In Root Port mode, memory read completion can be lost if Memory Read TLPs and Configuration TLPs are outstanding at the same time N/A N/A
46638 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - The bridge does not respond to memory read requests with a length of 0 when configured as x4 gen2 or x8 gen1 N/A N/A
46624 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - Using Root Port configuration a packet that does not actually target the BAR can be passed to the AXI Memory Mapped Bridge N/A N/A
46622 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - Large read request from AXI may cause completion timeout if link partner not releasing non-posted credits fast enough N/A N/A
46235 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - x8 gen1 and x4 gen2 do not have a DRC to ensure a 128-bit interface N/A N/A
45988 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - 1 DW Write Transactions on the AXI4 Slave interface create malformed TLPs when using a 32-bit AXI data width N/A N/A
45234 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - 64-bit TLPs are generated when requested address is less than 4GB N/A N/A
45078 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - Integer overflow error when simulating in NCSim N/A N/A
44976 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - Writes transactions to AXI4-lite Control Interface result in SLVERR N/A N/A
44211 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - MSI interrupts only supports a single vector N/A N/A
44074 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - Enumerating multiple 64-bit BARs to 32-bit BARs might cause issues for the 64-bit AXI data width N/A N/A
44665 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - No DRC for overrunning the AXI memory mapped space N/A N/A
44700 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - C_PCIEBAR2AXIBAR_# restriction on bits lower than C_PCIBAR_LEN_# N/A N/A
43709 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - The GUI does not allow C_AXIBAR2PCIEBAR_# to accept 64-bit address values N/A N/A
42642 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - AXI Interconnect frequency cannot be determined when using the axi_aclk_out clock N/A N/A
43681 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - Root Complex Option does not have a DRC N/A N/A
43313 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - m_axi_arlock and m_axi_arcache are connected to the AXI write address channel N/A N/A
46273 AXI Bridge for PCI Express - Kintex-7 simulation will not link train when C_PCIE_USE_MODE = 1.0 (IES) N/A N/A
AR# 44969
日期 06/27/2017
状态 Active
Type 已知问题
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