AR# 32136


LogiCORE IP Image Processing Pipeline - Release Notes and Known Issues


This Answer Record contains the Release Notes and Known Issues list for the CORE Generator tool LogiCORE IP Image Processing Pipeline Core.

The following information is listed for each version of the core:

  • New Features
  • Bug Fixes
  • Known Issues

LogiCORE IP Image Processing Pipeline Lounge:

This IP has been Discontinued and will be replaced by the individual sub-cores.


General LogiCORE IP Image Processing Pipeline Issues

(Xilinx Answer 34147) Why do I receive a licensing error for the lower level cores, even though I have a full license for the iPipe Core?

LogiCORE IP Image Processing Pipeline v1.0

  • Initial Release in ISE Design Suite 11.1

New Features

  • RGB and CMY Bayer image sensor support
  • Low-footprint, high quality 5x5 Color Filter Array Interpolation
  • Defective Pixel Correction
  • Color Correction Matrix
  • Gamma Correction
  • Optional RGB to YCrCb conversion
  • Selectable processor interfaces
    • EDK pCore
    • General Processor
    • Constant
  • Configurable 8, 10, and 12-bit input and output
  • Automatic detection of timing parameters and timing signal polarities
  • ISE design tools 11.1 support

Bug Fixes

  • N/A

Known Issues

(Xilinx Answer 32340) Why do my Image Pipe Video IP cores fail to update the netlist when the parameters or the license are changed, but the component name remains constant?
(Xilinx Answer 32948) Why does my Image Processing Pipeline core not generate when I select a constant interface with the Maximum Number of Rows and Columns is set to 1024?
(Xilinx Answer 33450) Why is there a difference between the GUI and the data sheet for the Input Frame Maximum Dimensions Maximum Number of Rows and Columns?
(Xilinx Answer 33581) Why is the output simulation netlist for my design encrypted, and only readable by ISE Simulator?
(Xilinx Answer 34456) Why does XST fail to compiler my ipipe pcore in XPS?
(Xilinx Answer 33872) "ERROR:simAn IP generation script exited abnormally.Error found during generation."
(Xilinx Answer 35130) Why do I get the following error when generating with a Design Linking License? ERROR:simError: Netgen failed for v_cfa_v1_0.vhd. ERROR:NetListWriters:380 The design contains secured core

For a detailed list of LogiCORE IP Color Correction Matrix Release Notes and Known Issues, see (Xilinx Answer 32132).

For a detailed list of LogiCORE IP Color Filter Array Interpolation Release Notes and Known Issues, see (Xilinx Answer 32133).

For a detailed list of LogiCORE IP Defective Pixel Correction Release Notes and Known Issues, see (Xilinx Answer 32134).

For a detailed list of LogiCORE IP Gamma Correction Release Notes and Known Issues, see (Xilinx Answer 32135).

For a detailed list of LogiCORE IP RGB to YCrCb Color-Space Converter Release Notes and Known Issues, see (Xilinx Answer 29982).




Answer Number 问答标题 问题版本 已解决问题的版本
35130 LogiCORE IP Image Processing Pipeline Cores - The following error is received when generating with a Design Linking License: "ERROR:sim - Error: Netgen failed for v_cfa_v1_0.vhd. ERROR:NetListWriters:380 - The design contains secured core" N/A N/A
34147 LogiCORE IP Image Pipeline - Why do I receive a licensing error for the lower level cores, even though I have a full license for the iPipe Core? N/A N/A
33872 LogiCORE IP Image Processing Pipeline Cores - "ERROR:sim - An IP generation script exited abnormally. Error found during generation." or "ERROR:Sim - assertMcrCacheRoot : Temp environment variable set is too long ..." N/A N/A
33581 LogiCORE Image Processing Pipeline v1.0 - Why is the output simulation netlist for my design encrypted, and only readable by ISE Simulator? N/A N/A
32948 LogiCORE IP Image Processing Pipeline v1.0 - Why does the Image Processing Pipeline core not generate when a constant interface is selected with the Maximum Number of Rows and Columns set to 1024? N/A N/A
32340 11.1 CORE Generator - Why do my Image Processing Pipe Video IP cores fail to update the netlist when the parameters or the license are changed, but the component name remains constant? N/A N/A
32135 LogiCORE IP Gamma Correction - Release Notes and Known Issues N/A N/A
32134 LogiCORE IP Defective Pixel Correction - Release Notes and Known Issues N/A N/A
32133 LogiCORE IP Color Filter Array Interpolation (CFA) - Release Notes and Known Issues N/A N/A
32132 LogiCORE IP Color Correction Matrix - Release Notes and Known Issues N/A N/A
29982 LogiCORE IP RGB to YCrCb Color-Space Converter - Release Notes and Known Issues N/A N/A
AR# 32136
日期 07/18/2018
状态 Archive
Type 版本说明
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