AR# 76526


PetaLinux 2021.1 - Product Update Release Notes and Known Issues


This Answer Record acts as the release notes for PetaLinux 2021.1 and contains links to information about resolved issues and updated collateral contained in this release.


BSPs supported for the 2021.1 PetaLinux Release

This table contains supported BSPs for MicroBlaze, Zynq-7000, Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC/RFSoC and Versal devices are available on the Embedded Development download page.

Note: XY - Represents release year, Z - Represents release version.

PlatformVariantBSP NameBSP Description
MicroBlazeAC701xilinx-ac701-v20XY.Z-final.bspThis BSP contains:
  • Hardware: This design uses a Vivado board preset which contains a MicroBlaze Processor, core peripherals IP's such as AXI UARTLITE, AXI 1G/2.5G Ethernet, AXI I2C, AXI GPIO, AXI DDR controller, SPI flash, led_4bits.
  • Software: fs-boot, u-boot, Linux, device-tree, rootfs (minimal packages).
  • Pre-built Images: Ready to test images bitstream, fs-boot, u-boot, Linux kernel, dtb , and rootfs for booting u-boot and Linux.
MicroBlazeKC705xilinx-kc705-v20XY.Z-final.bspThis BSP contains:
  • Hardware: This design uses a Vivado board preset which contains a MicroBlaze Processor, core peripherals IP's such as AXI UARTLITE, AXI 1G/2.5G Ethernet, AXI I2C, AXI GPIO, AXI DDR controller, Linear flash,led_8bits.
  • Software: fs-boot, u-boot, Linux, device-tree, rootfs (minimal packages).
  • Pre-built Images: Ready to test images bitstream, fs-boot, u-boot, Linux kernel, dtb and rootfs for booting u-boot and Linux.
MicroBlazeKCU105xilinx-kcu105-v20XY.Z-final.bspThis BSP contains:
  • Hardware: This design uses a Vivado board preset which contains a MicroBlaze Processor, core peripherals IP's such as AXI UARTLITE,AXI I2C, AXI GPIO, AXI DDR controller, AXI QSPI, led_8bits, and AXI 1G/2.5G Ethernet
  • Software: fs-boot, U-boot, Linux, device-tree, rootfs (minimal packages).
  • Pre-built Images: Ready to test images bitstream, fs-boot, u-boot, Linux kernel, dtb and rootfs for booting u-boot and Linux.
MicroBlazeSP701xilinx-sp701-v20XY.Z-final.bspThis BSP contains:
  • Hardware: This design uses a Vivado board preset which contains a MicroBlaze Processor, core peripherals IP's such as AXI I2C, AXI GPIO, AXI DDR controller, AXI QSPI, AXI UART Lite, led_8bits and AXI 1G/2.5G Ethernet.
  • Software: fs-boot, U-boot, Linux, device-tree, rootfs (minimal packages).
  • Pre-built Images: Ready to test images bitstream, fs-boot, u-boot, Linux kernel, dtb and rootfs for booting u-boot and Linux.
MicroBlazeVCU118xilinx-vcu118-v20XY.Z-final.bspThis BSP contains:
  • Hardware: This design uses a Vivado board preset which contains a MicroBlaze Processor, core peripherals IP's such as AXI I2C, AXI GPIO, AXI DDR controller, AXI QSPI, AXI
  • UART Lite
  • , led_8bits and AXI 1G/2.5G Ethernet.
  • Software: fs-boot, U-boot, Linux, device-tree, rootfs (minimal packages).
  • Pre-built Images: Ready to test images bitstream, fs-boot, u-boot, Linux kernel, dtb and rootfs for booting u-boot and Linux.
Zynq-7000ZC702xilinx-zc702-v20XY.Z-final.bspThis BSP contains:
  • Hardware: This design uses a Vivado board preset with a Zynq-7000 PS block (DDR, UART, SD, QSPI, Ethernet etc.) and AXI GPIO connected with led_4bits.
  • Software: FSBL, U-boot, Linux, device-tree (includes Open AMP), rootfs (minimal packages).
  • Pre-built Images: Ready to test images bitstream, FSBL, u-boot, boot.scr, Linux kernel, dtb and rootfs for booting u-boot and Linux.
Zynq-7000ZC706xilinx-zc706-v20XY.Z-final.bspThis BSP contains:
  • Hardware: This design uses a Vivado board preset with a Zynq-7000 PS block (DDR, UART, SD, QSPI, Ethernet etc.) and AXI GPIO connected with led_4bits, dip_switches_4bits, gpio_sws_3bits.
  • Software: FSBL, U-boot, Linux, device-tree (includes Open AMP), rootfs (minimal packages).
  • Pre-built Images: Ready to test images bitstream, FSBL, u-boot, boot.scr, Linux kernel, dtb and rootfs for booting u-boot and Linux.
Zynq-7000Avnet Digilent Zedboardavnet-digilent-zedboard-v20XY.Z-final.bspThis BSP contains:
  • Hardware: This design uses a Vivado board preset with a Zynq-7000 PS block (DDR, UART, SD, QSPI, Ethernet etc.) and AXI GPIO connected with led_8bits, btns_5bits, sws_8bits.
  • Software: FSBL, U-boot, Linux, device-tree (includes Open AMP), rootfs (minimal packages).
  • Pre-built Images: Ready to test images bitstream, FSBL, u-boot, boot.scr, Linux kernel, dtb and rootfs for booting u-boot and Linux.
Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoCZCU102 production siliconxilinx-zcu102-v20XY.Z-final.bspThis BSP contains:
  • Hardware(Extensible Platform): This design uses a Vivado board preset with a Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC PS block (DDR, UART, SD, QSPI, Ethernet, PCIe, DP, USB, SATA etc.)
  • Software: FSBL, PMUFW, ATF, U-boot, Linux, device-tree (includes Open AMP, Xen), ramdisk rootfs(mini rootfs), full rootfs(minimal packages).
  • Pre-built Images: Ready to test images bitstream, FSBL, PMUFW, ATF, u-boot, boot.scr, Linux kernel, dtb and rootfs for booting u-boot and Linux.
Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoCZCU104 production siliconxilinx-zcu104-v20XY.Z-final.bspThis BSP contains:
  • Hardware(Extensible Platform): This design uses a Vivado board preset with a Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC PS block (DDR, UART, SD, QSPI, Ethernet, DP, USB, SATA etc.), VCU DDR4 Controller (PL DDR) and VCU IP.
  • Software: FSBL, PMUFW, ATF, U-boot, Linux, device-tree (includes Open AMP, Xen), vcu-control software, ramdisk rootfs(mini rootfs), full rootfs (minimal packages including additional software packages such as GStreamer, OpenMAX, V4L2, libdrm and vcu-examples).
  • Pre-built Images: Ready to test images bitstream, FSBL, PMUFW, ATF, u-boot, boot.scr, Linux kernel, dtb and rootfs for booting u-boot and Linux.
Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoCZCU106 production siliconxilinx-zcu106-v20XY.Z-final.bspThis BSP contains:
  • Hardware 1(Extensible Platform): This design uses a Vivado board preset with a Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC PS block (DDR, UART, SD, QSPI, Ethernet, PCIe, DP, USB, SATA etc.), VCU DDR4 Controller (PL DDR) and VCU IP.
  • Hardware 2(Extensible Platform): This design uses a Vivado board preset with a Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC PS block (DDR, UART, SD, QSPI, Ethernet, PCIe, DP, USB, SATA etc.), VCU DDR4 Controller (New PL DDR part) and VCU IP.
  • Software: FSBL, PMUFW, ATF, U-boot, Linux, device-tree (includes Open AMP, Xen), vcu-control software, ramdisk rootfs(mini rootfs), full rootfs (minimal packages including additional software packages such as GStreamer, OpenMAX, V4L2, libdrm and vcu-examples).
  • Pre-built Images: Ready to test images bitstream, FSBL, PMUFW, ATF, u-boot, boot.scr, Linux kernel, dtb and rootfs for booting u-boot and Linux.
Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoCZCU111 production siliconxilinx-zcu111-v20XY.Z-final.bspThis BSP contains:
  • Hardware: This design uses a Vivado board preset with a Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC PS block (DDR, UART, SD, QSPI, Ethernet, DP, USB, SATA etc.) and rf_data_converters, sd_fec_dec, adc_sink, dac_source, axi_gpio, axi_intc IP's.
  • Software: FSBL, PMUFW, ATF, U-boot, Linux, device-tree (includes Open AMP, Xen), rfdc-drivers, ramdisk rootfs(mini rootfs), full rootfs(minimal packages which includes RDFC example applications).
  • Pre-built Images: Ready to test images bitstream, FSBL, PMUFW, ATF, u-boot, boot.scr, Linux kernel, dtb and rootfs for booting u-boot and Linux.
Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoCZCU1275xilinx-zcu1275-v20XY.Z-final.bspThis BSP contains:
  • Hardware: This design uses a Vivado board preset with a Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC PS block (DDR, UART, SD, QSPI, Ethernet, DP, USB, SATA etc.) and rf_data_converters, adc_sink, dac_source, axi_gpio, axi_intc IP's.
  • Software: FSBL, PMUFW, ATF, U-boot, Linux, device-tree (includes Open AMP, Xen), rfdc-drivers, ramdisk rootfs(mini rootfs), full rootfs(minimal packages which includes RDFC example applications).
  • Pre-built Images: Ready to test images bitstream, FSBL, PMUFW, ATF, u-boot, boot.scr, Linux kernel, dtb and rootfs for booting u-boot and Linux.
Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoCZCU1285xilinx-zcu1285-v20XY.Z-final.bspThis BSP contains:
  • Hardware: This design uses a Vivado board preset with a Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC PS block (DDR, UART, SD, QSPI, Ethernet, DP, USB, SATA etc.) and rf_data_converters, adc_sink, dac_source, axi_gpio, axi_intc IP's.
  • Software: FSBL, PMUFW, ATF, U-boot, Linux, device-tree (includes Open AMP, Xen), rfdc-drivers, ramdisk rootfs(mini rootfs), full rootfs(minimal packages which includes RDFC example applications).
  • Pre-built Images: Ready to test images bitstream, FSBL, PMUFW, ATF, u-boot, boot.scr, Linux kernel, dtb and rootfs for booting u-boot and Linux.
Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoCZCU208xilinx-zcu208-v20XY.Z-final.bspThis BSP contains:
  • Hardware(Extensible Platform): This design uses a Vivado board preset with a Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC PS block (DDR, UART, SD, QSPI, Ethernet etc.) and ADC_DDR_DMA, DAC_DDR_DMA CLOCKING blocks, axi_gpio, IP's.
  • Software: FSBL, PMUFW, ATF, U-Boot, Linux, device-tree (includes open-amp,xen), rfclk, rfdc-drivers, ramdisk rootfs(mini rootfs), full rootfs(minimal packages which includes RFCLK and RDFC example applications).
  • Pre-built Images: Ready to test images bitstream, FSBL, PMUFW, ATF, u-boot, boot.scr, Linux kernel, dtb and rootfs for booting u-boot and Linux.
Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoCZCU208-SDFECxilinx-zcu208-sdfec-v20XY.Z-final.bspThis BSP contains:
  • Hardware(Extensible Platform): This design uses a Vivado board preset with a Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC PS block (DDR, UART, SD, QSPI, Ethernet etc.) with production silicon and AXI stream blocks, Monitor blocks, SD-FEC, and , axi_gpio, AXI intc, IP's.
  • Software: FSBL, PMUFW, ATF, U-Boot, Linux, device-tree (includes open-amp,xen), rfclk, rfdc-drivers, ramdisk rootfs(mini rootfs), full rootfs(minimal packages which includes RFCLK and RDFC example applications).
  • Pre-built Images: Ready to test images bitstream, FSBL, PMUFW, ATF, u-boot, boot.scr, Linux kernel, dtb and rootfs for booting u-boot and Linux.
Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoCZCU216xilinx-zcu216-v20XY.Z-final.bspThis BSP contains:
  • Hardware(Extensible Platform): This design uses a Vivado board preset with a Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC PS block (DDR, UART, SD, QSPI, Ethernet etc.) and ADC_DDR_DMA, DAC_DDR_DMA CLOCKING blocks, axi_gpio, IP's.
  • Software: FSBL, PMUFW, ATF, U-Boot, Linux, device-tree (includes open-amp,xen), rfclk, rfdc-drivers, ramdisk rootfs(mini rootfs), full rootfs(minimal packages which includes RFCLK and RDFC example applications).
  • Pre-built Images: Ready to test images bitstream, FSBL, PMUFW, ATF, u-boot, boot.scr, Linux kernel, dtb and rootfs for booting u-boot and Linux.
SOMK26 SOMxilinx-k26-som-v20XY.Z-final.bspThis BSP contains:
  • Hardware: This design uses a Vivado board preset with a Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC PS block, SOM PS specific and VCU IP.
  • Software: FSBL, PMUFW, ATF, U-boot, Linux, device-tree, vcu-control software, Ramdisk Rootfs (minimal rootfs), full rootfs packages which includes packagegroup-petalinux-som, packagegroup-core-full-cmdline, packagegroup-petalinux-utils, packagegroup-core-tools-debug, packagegroup-petalinux-networking-stack, packagegroup-petalinux-python-modules, packagegroup-petalinux-jupyter.
  • Pre-built Images: Ready to test images bitstream, FSBL, PMUFW, ATF, u-boot, boot.scr, Linux kernel, dtb and rootfs for booting u-boot and Linux.
SOMK26 Starter Kitxilinx-k26-starterkit-v20XY.Z-final.bspThis BSP contains:
  • Hardware: This design uses a Vivado board preset with a Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC PS block, PS block with only SOM specific PS MIO peripherals + KV260 CC MIO peripherals enabled.
  • Software: Linux, device-tree (includes open-amp, xen), Ramdisk Rootfs (minimal rootfs), full rootfs packages which includes packagegroup-petalinux-som, packagegroup-core-full-cmdline, packagegroup-petalinux-utils, packagegroup-core-tools-debug, packagegroup-petalinux-networking-stack, packagegroup-petalinux-python-modules, packagegroup-petalinux-jupyter.
  • Pre-built Images: Ready to test images bitstream, boot.scr, Linux kernel, dtb and rootfs for booting Linux only.
Versal ACAP(AI Core)VCK190 Production siliconxilinx-vck190-v20XY.Z-final.bspThis BSP contains:
  • Hardware(Extensible Platform): This design uses a Vivado board preset with a Versal CIPS IP PS block (DDR, UART, SD, QSPI, Ethernet, USB, etc) with production silicon and AIE IP in PL.
  • Vitis AIE Project: Contains .xsa xclbin and aie app and its project workspace.
  • Software: PLM, PSMFW, ATF, U-Boot, Linux, device-tree (includes open-amp, xen), ramdisk rootfs(mini rootfs), full rootfs(minimal packages like TCL, xrt, zocl, python, libstdc++, aie-matrix-multiplication).
  • Pre-built Images: Ready to test images PDI, PLM, PSMFW, ATF, u-boot, boot.scr, Linux kernel, dtb and rootfs booting u-boot and Linux and Xen.
  • OOB Images: These are ready to boot images with rootfs in SD ext4 partition, Out Of the Box demo images includes packages such as packagegroup-petalinux-jupyter, pm-notebooks, openamp-demo-notebooks, python3-ipywidgets.
Versal ACAP(Prime)VMK180 Production siliconxilinx-vmk180-v20XY.Z-final.bspThis BSP contains:
  • Hardware: This design uses a Vivado board preset with a Versal CIPS IP PS block (DDR, UART, SD, QSPI, Ethernet, USB, etc) with production silicon.
  • Software: PLM, PSMFW, ATF, U-Boot, Linux, device-tree (includes open-amp, xen), ramdisk rootfs(mini rootfs), full rootfs(minimal packages like TCL, python, libstdc++).
  • Pre-built Images: Ready to test images PDI, PLM, PSMFW, ATF, u-boot, boot.scr, Linux kernel, dtb and rootfs booting u-boot and Linux and Xen.
  • OOB Images: These are ready to boot images with rootfs in SD ext4 partition, Out Of the Box demo images includes packages such as packagegroup-petalinux-jupyter, pm-notebooks, openamp-demo-notebooks, python3-ipywidgets.


Unified Images supported for the 2021.1 PetaLinux Release

This table contains supported unified images for Zynq-7000 and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC/RFSoC and Versa device are available on the Embedded Development download page.

Note: XY - Represents release year, Z - Represents release version.

PlatformSOC VariantTar file NameUnified Image Description
Zynq-7000Allxilinx-zynq-common-v2021.1.tar.gzThis tar file contains:
  • Pre-built Images: Ready to test images such as u-boot.elf, boot.scr, Image, rootfs.ext4, rootfs.manifest, rootfs.tar.gz and
  • README.txt: This readme file describes how to install and use these image files.
Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC/RFSoCCG, EG, EV, DRxilinx-zynqmp-common-v2021.1.tar.gzThis tar file contains:
  • Pre-built Images: Ready to test images such as bl31.elf, u-boot.elf, boot.scr, Image, rootfs.ext4, rootfs.manifest, rootfs.tar.gz and
  • README.txt: This readme file describes how to install and use these image files.
Versal ACAPAI Core, Primexilinx-versal-common-v2021.1.tar.gzThis tar file contains:
  • Pre-built Images: Ready to test images such as u-boot.elf, boot.scr, Image, rootfs.ext4, rootfs.manifest, rootfs.tar.gz and
  • README.txt: This readme file describes how to install and use these image files.

: The "<architecture> sstate-cache" (sstate_<architecture>_2021.1.tar.gz) file can be found on the Xilinx download area along with an associated README file that outlines the procedure to use "sstate cache".

Refer to the attached file "2021.1_PetaLinux_Packages_List" for software package versions tested on host machines, which is required for PetaLinux installation tools.

README for downloads area.


PetaLinux 2021.1 contains the following build collateral:

ComponentGit repoGit BranchesGit TagsCommit IDComments
FSBL, PMU Firmware, PLM, PSM Firmwaregit:// for Zynq-7000 is at embeddedsw/lib/sw_apps/zynq_fsbl
FSBL for Zynq UltraScale+ is at embeddedsw/lib/sw_apps/zynqmp_fsbl
PMU for Zynq UltraScale+ Firmware is atembeddedsw/lib/sw-apps/zynqmp_pmufw
PLM for Versal ACAP is at embeddedsw/lib/sw-apps/versal_plm
PSM for Versal ACAP Firmware is at embeddedsw/lib/sw-apps/versal_psmfw
Linuxgit:// Kernel rebase version 5.10
U-Bootgit:// Version v2021.01
Xengit:// Version 4.13
ARM-Trusted-Firmware (ATF)git:// is based on upstream version 2.4
rel-v2021.1No Tagsad6b704acd4cfb210f83aaf48336e37b550da370
Yocto 3.2.0 Gatesgarth
Yocto Manifestsgit:// Tags2463d97df7a0720e27be9883454df7c8c9578eb5 
VCU OpenMax ILgit:// 
VCU Control Softwaregit:// 
VCU Firmwaregit:// 
VCU Modulesgit:// 
GStreamer OpenMax ILgit:// version 1.16.3
GStreamer Plugins-Basegit:// 
GStreamer Plugins-Badgit:// 
GStreamer Plugins-Goodgit:// 
dp-modulesgit:// Tags3d9654043ddc6cb6391b46bc9a98e482c98364db 
GPU MALIgit:// 
XRTgit:// Tags0dc9f505a3a910dea96166db7b5df8530b9ae38e 
external-hdfgit:// Tags9da77b1de79a5ee76a04e3faeab61c6448fc25c1 
GCC    MB compiler version 10.2
ARM 10.2.0


2021.1 Release Notes for Open Source components wiki page:

The below page covers details for all of the open source components changes such as New Features and Bug Fixes in a particular release.


2021.1 Release pre-built images wiki page:

2021.1 New Features:


  • The Zynq MP and Versal PetaLinux BSPs boot to tiny ram based rootfs and the switch to ext based full rootfs. the default rootfs configuration is for full rootfs on ext4.
  • ZCU102, ZCU104 and ZCU106 all have Vitis enabled design and XSA.
  • New BSP's for ZCU670 and VPK120 boards.
  • PetaLinux tool has U-Boot distro boot support for MicroBlaze projects.
  • PetaLinux uses bitbake instead of devtool during configuration by default.


  • None


2021.1 Bug Fixes:


  • None


  • None

Known Issues for 2021.1:

Linux/BaremetalComponentsDescriptionWork-aroundTo be fixed version
LinuxPetaLinuxZynq UltraScale+ MPSoC: How to enable UHS (SD 3.0) support for ZCU102 and ZCU106 evaluation board PetaLinux BSPs(Xilinx Answer 69978)NA
LinuxXSDKZynq UltraScale+ MPSoC: Connecting XSDB to Linux CPU idle(Xilinx Answer 69143)NA
LinuxFSBLZynq UltraScale+ MPSoC: How to achieve SATA performance in Linux(Xilinx Answer 71584)NA
LinuxFSBLZynq UltraScale+ MPSoC: How to make SMMU work with SATA IP(Xilinx Answer 71790)NA
LinuxQEMU2020.2 QEMU Versal and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC - Incorrect dummy cycles sent when using GQSPI dual or quad mode byte transfer instead of CS hold time(Xilinx Answer 75599)NA
LinuxQEMUQEMU 2020.2 Versal and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSOC: Incorrect dummy cycle count for Quad I/O read command on Micron flashes(Xilinx Answer 75600)NA
LinuxQEMU2020.2 QEMU Versal and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC: QEMU program stops with XSDB(Xilinx Answer 75614)NA
LinuxQEMU2020.2 Versal and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSOC: QEMU GDB unable to catch segfaults(Xilinx Answer 75615)NA
LinuxQEMU2020.2 Versal QEMU: LPD XPPU does not cover TCM(Xilinx Answer 75684)NA
LinuxDrivers2019.2-2020.1 Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC: Linux QSPI driver causes chip select timeout when TXFIFO and GENFIFO are not empty(Xilinx Answer 76516)2021.2
LinuxPMUFW2021.1 and later Ultra96: How to shut down the Ultra96 V1 or V2 boards directly(Xilinx Answer 76583)NA
LinuxYocto2021.x Yocto, PetaLinux: Why do U-boot and the Kernel not show the current build time stamp(Xilinx Answer 76559)NA
LinuxKernel2020.x - 2021.x Linux: Device tree overlay warning messages are observed while loading overlay(Xilinx Answer 76560)NA
LinuxKernel2020.x - 2021.x MicroBlaze: Linux kernel panics when the Enable Write-back Storage Policy option is enabled in a design(Xilinx Answer 76561)2021.2
LinuxDevice-tree2021.1 Ultra96: Why does the PS DisplayPort not work on Ultra96 boards?(Xilinx Answer 76568)2021.2
LinuxDrivers2021.1 Versal ACAP - Linux: Boot fails if "default" PLM/PSM protection configuration is enabled(Xilinx Answer 76570)2021.2
BaremetalDrivers2021.1 Versal ACAP: xospipsv_flash_polled_example read/write errors might be observed(Xilinx Answer 76571)2021.2
LinuxDevice-tree2020.2-2021.1 Versal ACAP: DTG fails to generate the nodes when ILA added to Versal AXI Stream Interface IP(Xilinx Answer 76575)2021.2
BaremetalAIE drivers2021.1 Versal ACAP: AIE Profile Counter has error messages when AIE Trace is used(Xilinx Answer 76591)2021.2
LinuxLibrary2021.1 Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC: DFX Manager loading an accelerator app was incorrectly marked as success(Xilinx Answer 76593)2021.2
LinuxDrivers2021.1 Versal ACAP: Linux UART driver supports only 115200 bps with no provision for changing the baud rate at runtime(Xilinx Answer 76595)2021.2
LinuxYocto2020.2/2021.1 Versal ACAP: Yocto runqemu command results in error if image size is not a power of 2(Xilinx Answer 76596)2021.2
LinuxDrivers2021.1 Linux: AXI Ethernet driver returns errors for 1000base-x designs(Xilinx Answer 76597)2021.2
LinuxPetaLinux2021.x PetaLinux:Some packages or files within the PetaLinux downloads package reported as viruses(Xilinx Answer 76679)NA
LinuxPetaLinux2021.1 Versal ACAP: Linux boot using PetaLinux FIT image warns of 2MB misalignment(Xilinx Answer 76712)2021.2
LinuxPetaLinux2021.1 PetaLinux: Base files PRODUCT name and FW_VERSION configs do not get updated in rootfs(Xilinx Answer 76764)2021.2
LinuxPetaLinux2021.1 and later PetaLinux: Device-tree fails to build when nodes are modified using custom meta layer(Xilinx Answer 76822)NA
LinuxPetaLinux2021.1 Versal and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSOC: Why does PetaLinux not mount the full rootfs when boot INITRD images are built using the template method(Xilinx Answer 76842)2021.2
LinuxYocto2021.1 Zynq UltraScale+ MPSOC: Yocto/PetaLinux fails to build FSBL and PMUFW with RFDC IP enabled in design(Xilinx Answer 76856)2021.2


文件名 文件大小 File Type
PetaLinux_Tool_Upgrade_for_SOM.txt 826 Bytes TXT
README_content_v2021_1.txt 1 KB TXT
2021.1_PetaLinux_Package_List.xlsx 29 KB XLSX



Answer Number 问答标题 问题版本 已解决问题的版本
55776 Release Notes and Known Issues for PetaLinux 2013.04 and later tool versions N/A N/A


Answer Number 问答标题 问题版本 已解决问题的版本
76712 2021.1 Versal ACAP: Linux boot using PetaLinux FIT image leads to 2MB misalignment warning N/A N/A
AR# 76526
日期 08/30/2021
状态 Active
Type 版本说明
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Boards & Kits More Less
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