AR# 40503


13.x iMPACT - Known Issues for the iMPACT 13.x Software


The ISE Design Suite 13.xRelease Notes and Licensing Guide found on contains installation instructions, system requirements, and other general information related to the iMPACT tools. This Known Issues Answer Record is a supplement to the Release Notes documentation and contains links to information on known issues in the iMPACT Protocols, and information on when they are expected tobe resolved.


13.1 Known Issues:

(Xilinx Answer 42682)Design Advisory for Virtex-6 - 13.x iMPACT - eFUSE Key Programming Incorrect when Target FPGA is not the Only Device in the JTAG Chain
(Xilinx Answer 40505) 13.x iMPACT - "Close Others" option for a Tab does not work correctly
(Xilinx Answer 37348) 12.x/13.1 iMPACT - PROM File Formatter - When I generate an MCS including a ".mem" or ".elf" file my system does not boot or the data is not distributed as expected in the flash
(Xilinx Answer 39543) 12.x/13.1 iMPACT - "Verify Succeeded" is reported even the CPLD is blank
(Xilinx Answer 40561) 13.1 iMPACT - SVF file reports incorrect position for devices
(Xilinx Answer 40061) 12.x/13.x iMPACT - Does iMPACT save your cable speed in the project file?
(Xilinx Answer 40562) 12.x/13.x iMPACT - Virtex-6 - Indirect BPI core upper address bits clash with VREF pins
(Xilinx Answer 40563) 12.x/13.x- iMPACT - Supported 18V00 Devices - INFO:iMPACT:583
(Xilinx Answer 41555) 13.1 iMPACT - SVF files do not use " STATE RESET" for Virtex-6
(Xilinx Answer 41704) iMPACT - Customer survey pops up every time I open iMPACT
(Xilinx Answer 41633)13.1 IMPACT - PROM File Formatter wizard generates wrong PROM file (MCS/BIN... etc) for Spartan-3AN ISF memory for Revision One
(Xilinx Answer 40610) 12.x/13.x iMPACT - When I do a verify with Indirect programming of my BPI flash fails if user data is present
(Xilinx Answer 41808) iMPACT 13.x - Parallel Cable IV speed cannot be modified
(Xilinx Answer 42557)13.x iMPACT - Spartan-3AN - Multiboot MCS File Generation and BitGen Settings for default addressing mode
(Xilinx Answer 43147) 13.x iMPACT - STAPL files created on Linux for compressed bit files are incorrect
(Xilinx Answer 44502)13.x iMPACT - INFO:iMPACT - The selected file's size (xxxxxxxxxxx bits) is larger than devices supported in this mode.
(Xilinx Answer 44503)13.2 iMPACT - Cable Driver Install - Jungo driver installation fails on SUSE 11
(Xilinx Answer 42512)13.x iMPACT - Indirect programming with Digilent cable causes iMPACT to crash

13.2 Resolved Issues:

(Xilinx Answer 41633)13.1 IMPACT - PROM File Formatter wizard generates wrong PROM file (MCS/BIN... etc) for Spartan-3AN ISF memory for Revision One
(Xilinx Answer 39543) 12.x/13.1 iMPACT - "Verify Succeeded" is reported even the CPLD is blank
(Xilinx Answer 41704) iMPACT - Customer survey pops up every time I open iMPACT

13.2 Known Issues:

(Xilinx Answer 42682)Design Advisory for Virtex-6 - 13.x iMPACT - eFUSE Key Programming Incorrect when Target FPGA is not the Only Device in the JTAG Chain
(Xilinx Answer 42728) 13.2 iMPACT/ChipScope/XMD - Digilent programming cable requires the LibUSB1.0 package to be installed
(Xilinx Answer 42943) 13.2 iMPACT - PROM file formatter incorrectly shows the XCF128XL as a supported PROM for 7-series
(Xilinx Answer 42852) 13.x iMPACT - There is a leading '0' when a Platform flash checksum is read through impact
(Xilinx Answer 40610) 12.x/13.x iMPACT - When I do a verify with Indirect programming of my BPI flash fails if user data is present
(Xilinx Answer 40561) 13.1 iMPACT - SVF file reports incorrect position for devices
(Xilinx Answer 40061) 12.x/13.x iMPACT - Does iMPACT save your cable speed in the project file?
(Xilinx Answer 41555) 13.1 iMPACT - SVF files do not use " STATE RESET" for Virtex-6
(Xilinx Answer 40562) 12.x/13.x iMPACT - Virtex-6 - Indirect BPI core upper address bits clash with Vref pins
(Xilinx Answer 40563) 12.x/13.x- iMPACT - Supported 18V00 Devices - INFO:iMPACT:583
(Xilinx Answer 41633)13.1 IMPACT - PROM File Formatter wizard generates wrong PROM file (MCS/BIN... etc.) for Spartan-3AN ISF memory for Revision One
(Xilinx Answer 41808) iMPACT 13.x - Parallel Cable IV speed can't be modified
(Xilinx Answer 42557)13.x iMPACT - Spartan-3AN - Multiboot MCS File Generation and BitGen Settings for default addressing mode
(Xilinx Answer 43147) 13.x iMPACT - STAPL files created on Linux for compressed bit files are incorrect
(Xilinx Answer 43148) 13.2 iMPACT - iMPACT crashes when performing Remote Indirect Flash programming operations
(Xilinx Answer 43149) 13.2 iMPACT - Specifying 12 MHz as Cable frequency results in "WARNING:iMPACT - Unsupported frequency. Using default frequency: 6 MHz"
(Xilinx Answer 43150) 13.2 iMPACT - Programming reported as successful even though there are configuration errors in the Status Register
(Xilinx Answer 44498)13.2 iMPACT - Erase properties for my CPLD show a CFGBVS dropdown box, what is this?
(Xilinx Answer 44502)13.x iMPACT - INFO:iMPACT - The selected file's size (xxxxxxxxxxx bits) is larger than devices supported in this mode
(Xilinx Answer 44397)13.x iMPACT - Cable Driver Installation - Installation passes on Windows 7 but the Jungo driver Windrvr6 does not operate or appear in the device manager
(Xilinx Answer 44421)Design Advisory for 13.2 iMPACT - Incorrect indirect programming core file is loaded to Kintex-7 leading to potential device damage
(Xilinx Answer 42512)13.x iMPACT - Indirect programming with Digilent cable causes iMPACT to crash

13.3 Resolved Issues:

(Xilinx Answer 42943) 13.2 iMPACT - PROM file formatter incorrectly shows the XCF128XL as a supported PROM for 7-series
(Xilinx Answer 44498)13.2 iMPACT - Erase properties for my CPLD show a CFGBVS dropdown box, what is this?
(Xilinx Answer 42557)13.x iMPACT - Spartan-3AN - Multiboot MCS File Generation and BitGen Settings for default addressing mode
(Xilinx Answer 43149) 13.2 iMPACT - Specifying 12 MHz as Cable frequency results in "WARNING:iMPACT - Unsupported frequency. Using default frequency: 6 MHz"
(Xilinx Answer 44502)13.x iMPACT - INFO:iMPACT - The selected file's size (xxxxxxxxxxx bits) is larger than devices supported in this mode
(Xilinx Answer 44503)13.2 iMPACT - Cable Driver Install - Jungo driver installation fails on SUSE 11
(Xilinx Answer 44421)Design Advisory for 13.2 iMPACT - Incorrect indirect programming core file is loaded to Kintex-7 leading to potential device damage

13.3 Known Issues:

(Xilinx Answer 42682)Design Advisory for Virtex-6 - 13.x iMPACT - eFUSE Key Programming Incorrect when Target FPGA is not the Only Device in the JTAG Chain
(Xilinx Answer 40563) 12.x/13.x- iMPACT - Supported 18V00 Devices - INFO:iMPACT:583
(Xilinx Answer 41555) 13.x iMPACT - SVF files do not use " STATE RESET" for Virtex-6
(Xilinx Answer 40061) 12.x/13.x iMPACT - Does iMPACT save your cable speed in the project file?
(Xilinx Answer 40561) 13.x iMPACT - SVF file reports incorrect position for devices
(Xilinx Answer 40610) 12.x/13.x iMPACT - When I do a verify with Indirect programming of my BPI flash fails if user data is present
(Xilinx Answer 42852) 13.x iMPACT - There is a leading '0' when a Platform flash checksum is read through impact
(Xilinx Answer 42728) 13.x iMPACT/ChipScope/XMD - Digilent programming cable requires the LibUSB1.0 package to be installed
(Xilinx Answer 43147) 13.x iMPACT - STAPL files created on Linux for compressed bit files are incorrect
(Xilinx Answer 43148) 13.x iMPACT - iMPACT crashes when performing Remote Indirect Flash programming operations
(Xilinx Answer 43150) 13.x iMPACT - Programming reported as successful even though there are configuration errors in the Status Register
(Xilinx Answer 44397)13.x iMPACT - Cable Driver Installation - Installation passes on Windows 7 but the Jungo driver Windrvr6 does not operate or appear in the device manager
(Xilinx Answer 42512)13.x iMPACT - Indirect programming with Digilent cable causes iMPACT to crash
(Xilinx Answer 45346)13.3 iMPACT - Virtex-7 - Indirect BPI Programming fails with "Core is not loaded"

13.4 Known Issues:

(Xilinx Answer 42682)Design Advisory for Virtex-6 - 13.x iMPACT - eFUSE Key Programming Incorrect when Target FPGA is not the Only Device in the JTAG Chain
(Xilinx Answer 40563) 12.x/13.x- iMPACT - Supported 18V00 Devices - INFO:iMPACT:583
(Xilinx Answer 41555) 13.x iMPACT - SVF files do not use " STATE RESET" for Virtex-6
(Xilinx Answer 40061) 12.x/13.x iMPACT - Does iMPACT save your cable speed in the project file?
(Xilinx Answer 40561) 13.x iMPACT - SVF file reports incorrect position for devices
(Xilinx Answer 40610) 12.x/13.x iMPACT - When I do a verify with Indirect programming of my BPI flash fails if user data is present
(Xilinx Answer 42852) 13.x iMPACT - There is a leading '0' when a Platform flash checksum is read through impact
(Xilinx Answer 42728) 13.x iMPACT/ChipScope/XMD - Digilent programming cable requires the LibUSB1.0 package to be installed
(Xilinx Answer 43147) 13.x iMPACT - STAPL files created on Linux for compressed bit files are incorrect
(Xilinx Answer 43148) 13.x iMPACT - iMPACT crashes when performing Remote Indirect Flash programming operations
(Xilinx Answer 43150) 13.x iMPACT - Programming reported as successful even though there are configuration errors in the Status Register
(Xilinx Answer 44397)13.x iMPACT - Cable Driver Installation - Installation passes on Windows 7 but the Jungo driver Windrvr6 does not operate or appear in the device manager
(Xilinx Answer 42512)13.x iMPACT - Indirect programming with Digilent cable causes iMPACT to crash
(Xilinx Answer 45346)13.3 iMPACT - Virtex-7 - Indirect BPI Programming fails with "Core is not loaded"
(Xilinx Answer 45560) 13.x iMPACT - Verify fails with "INFO:iMPACT:395 - The number of difference is -1"
(Xilinx Answer 45809)13.x iMPACT - LabTools - iMPACT crashes when I attempt to program a Zynq xc7z020 device
(Xilinx Answer 46404)13.4 iMPACT - When attempting to Erase or Program a 28f00ag18f flash I see errors
(Xilinx Answer 46687) 13.4 iMPACT - Batch Mode -Using setcablespeed before setcable causes iMPACT to crash
(Xilinx Answer 46836)13.4 iMPACT - Kintex-7 - XC7K420T patch and Known Issues



Answer Number 问答标题 问题版本 已解决问题的版本
46687 13.x/14.x iMPACT Batch Mode - Using setcablespeed before setcable causes iMPACT to crash N/A N/A
45809 13.x iMPACT - LabTools - iMPACT crashes when I attempt to program a Zynq xc7z020 device N/A N/A
45560 13.x/14.x iMPACT - Verify fails with "INFO:iMPACT:395 - The number of difference is -1" N/A N/A
45346 13.3 iMPACT - Virtex-7 - Indirect BPI Programming fails with "Core is not loaded" N/A N/A
44503 13.2 iMPACT - Cable Driver Install - Jungo driver installation fails on SUSE 11 N/A N/A
44498 13.2 iMPACT - What is the CFGBVS drop-down box that appears when I select the Erase properties for a CPLD? N/A N/A
44397 13.x/14.x iMPACT - Cable Driver Installation - Installation passes on Windows 7 but the Jungo driver Windrvr6 does not operate or appear in the device manager N/A N/A
43150 13.x/14.x iMPACT - Programming Reported as Successful while Configuration Errors Exist in the Status Register for 7 Series Device N/A N/A
43149 13.2 iMPACT - 将电缆频率设置为 12 MHz 时会导致 "警告:iMPACT - 频率不支持。使用默认频率: 6 Mhz." N/A N/A
43147 13.x iMPACT - STAPL Files Created on Linux for Compressed Bit Files Are Incorrect N/A N/A
42728 13.x/14.x iMPACT/ChipScope/XMD - Digilent Programming Cable Requires the LibUSB1.0 Package to be Installed N/A N/A
42682 Design Advisory for Virtex-6, 13.x/14.x iMPACT - eFUSE key programming incorrect when target FPGA is not the only device in the JTAG chain N/A N/A
41704 13.1 iMPACT - Customer survey pops up every time I open iMPACT N/A N/A
41555 13.1 iMPACT - SVF files do not use "STATE RESET" for Virtex-6 N/A N/A
40563 12.x/13.x/14.x- iMPACT - Supported 18V00 Devices - INFO:iMPACT:583 N/A N/A
40554 12.x/13.1 iMPACT - What is the batch command for identifying a programming cable ESN? N/A N/A
40505 13.x iMPACT - "Close Others" option for a Tab does not work correctly N/A N/A
40061 12.x/13.x/14.x iMPACT - Does iMPACT save your cable speed in the project file? N/A N/A


AR# 40503
日期 02/07/2013
状态 Active
Type 综合文章
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