AR# 37280


Logicore Peak Cancellation CFR (PC-CFR) v2.0 - Is the reconfigurable coefficients variant of the PC-CFR is affected by the s6 bram issue?


Is the reconfigurable coefficients variant of the PC-CFR affected by the Spartan-6 FPGA BRAM issue (Xilinx Answer 34533)?


The PC-CFR is affected by by the S6 BRAM issue (Xilinx Answer 34533) In order to work round any BRAM issues the advice is that the cpulse coefficients are padded with a zero at each end, and that address zero is not written to. This does reduces the effective number of coeffs supported by 2 but this will not affect the cores ability to perform its task. The number of taps will need to be set the the full width of the zero-padded cpulse.

Please see (Xilinx Answer 33760) for a detailed list of LogiCORE IP Peak Cancelation Crest Factor Reduction - Release Notes and Known issues



Answer Number 问答标题 问题版本 已解决问题的版本
33760 LogiCORE IP Peak Cancellation CFR(PC-CFR) - Release Notes and Known Issues N/A N/A
AR# 37280
日期 05/20/2012
状态 Active
Type 已知问题
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