AR# 7087


Exemplar Leonardo Spectrum v1999.1c: ngdhelpers:312 - logical block of type GND is unexpanded


keywords : ngdbuild, leonardo, spectrum, gnd, unexpanded, block

urgency : standard

problem description: When a design is synthesized with version 1999.1c of
Leonardo Spectrum, the netlist gives an unexpanded block error in
ngdbuild for the GND component.

The affected families are all Xilinx XC3000, XC3100, XC5200 and all xc4000
variants, Spartan and SpartanXL.


This is a problem with the Leonardo tool generating an incorrect port name
for the gnd component.

The exported netlist contains a Xilinx GND component who's port is
named 'O'. The port name should be 'G'.

This problem has been fixed since ExemplarSpectrum 1999.1d.

Download the latest version of ExemplarSpectrum from
the following URL:

or from FTP site:
AR# 7087
日期 08/28/2001
状态 Archive
Type 综合文章
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