AR# 69859


Kintex UltraScale+ FPGA KCU116 Evaluation Kit - Interface Test Designs


I am attempting to exercise the interfaces on the Kintex UltraScale+ KCU116 Evaluation Kit.

What tests can be run to ensure that the interfaces are working correctly?


The Kintex UltraScale+ FPGA KCU116 Evaluation Kit Documentation and Example Designs referenced below can be found on the KCU116 Support page.

FeatureTest DesignNotes
-- Configuration Interfaces --
Configuration Mode SwitchesKCU116 User Guide (UG1239)The table has the valid settings.
Assuming configuration source is correctly programmed, this can test the mode pins
Configuration USB JTAG portKCU116 Board Interface Test (XTP458)
Configuration SPI FlashKCU116 Board Interface Test (XTP458)
-- Board Feature Interfaces --
Board DDR4 DIMMKCU116 Board Interface Test (XTP458)Also tested with the KCU116 MIG Example Design (XTP461)
Board zSFP ConnectorKCU116 GTY IBERT Example Design (XTP459)Requires additional hardware (see XTP459 and XTP464)
Board Oscillator (MHz, Differential)KCU116 Board Interface Test (XTP458)The default BIT examples use the socket clock
Boards RJxx - EthernetKCU116 Board Interface Test (XTP458)
Board USB Serial UARTKCU116 Board Interface Test (XTP458)
Board I2C InterfaceKCU116 Board Interface Test (XTP458)
Board FMC-HPC ConnectorXM105 User Guide (UG537)Page 29. This is the User Guide for the XM105 Mezzanine Debug Card.
This card has DS5, DS6, and DS7, which indicate good power to the board.
Debug strategies will vary depending on the specific mezzanine card being used
-- Transceiver Interfaces --
Transceiver RefCLK (Differential)KCU116 GTY IBERT Example Design (XTP459)This is the IBERT Example Design and could be modified to use SMA RefCLK
Transceiver SMA Connectors (Differential)KCU116 GTY IBERT Example Design (XTP45()
-- User Specified Interfaces --
User SMA CLK Connectors (Differential)none availableThese are completely user-driven I/O.
A good test would be loop back, or monitoring differential I/O on a scope.
User LEDsKCU116 Board Interface Test (XTP458)
User DIP SwitchesKCU116 Board Interface Test (XTP458)
User PushbuttonsKCU116 Board Interface Test (XTP458)
User LCD DisplayKCU116 Board Interface Test (XTP458)



Answer Number 问答标题 问题版本 已解决问题的版本
43748 Xilinx Boards and Kits - Debug Assistant N/A N/A
AR# 69859
日期 10/02/2017
状态 Active
Type 综合文章
Boards & Kits
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