AR# 64237


MIG 7 Series - Timing parameter values are incorrect for certain memory parts


Version Found: MIG 7 Series v2.3
Version Resolved: See (Xilinx Answer 54025)

When generating MIG 7 series targeting SODIMM MT4JSF12864HZ-1G4, the following timing parameters do not match those defined in the memory vendor data sheet for 800MT/s designs and 1066MT/s designs:

  •  tRRD
  •  tRAS


These incorrect parameter values can cause failures in memory design and should be fixed.  

In order to resolve this issue, create a custom memory part and update the timing parameters to accurately reflect the values defined in the memory vendors data sheet.

Revision History:
04/13/2015 - Initial Release

Note: The "Version Found" column lists the version the problem was first discovered.
The problem also exists in earlier versions, but no specific testing has been performed to verify earlier versions.
This is an issues with timing parameters of the core.




Answer Number 问答标题 问题版本 已解决问题的版本
54025 MIG 7 Series - IP Release Notes and Known Issues for Vivado N/A N/A
AR# 64237
日期 04/30/2015
状态 Active
Type 已知问题
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