AR# 63988


How to run timing simulation using Vivado Simulator?


You can perform timing simulation after Synthesis or Implementation.
At the post-synthesis simulation stage, although it is not typical, you can perform timing simulation with estimated timing numbers.
At the post-implementation simulation stage, timing simulation is the closest emulation to actually downloading a design to a device.

It allows you to ensure that the implemented design meets functional and timing requirements and has the expected behavior in the device.
NOTE: Post-Synthesis and Post-Implementation timing simulations are supported for Verilog only.
There is no support for VHDL timing simulation.

This article describes the two ways to run timing simulation using Vivado Simulator: from the Vivado IDE and from the command line.


Vivado IDE:
  1. In the Vivado project, run Synthesis or Implementation.
  2. Specify Vivado Simulator Simulation Settings if necessary.
  3. From the Flow Navigator, select
    Run Simulation > Run Post-Synthesis Timing Simulation
    Run Simulation > Run Post-Implementation Timing Simulation.
    The option becomes available only when synthesis or implementation is run successfully.

Run From Command Line:
  1. Generate a Verilog timing simulation netlist for the design.
open_checkpoint top.dcp
write_verilog -mode timesim -sdf_anno true top_timesim.v
   2. Generate an SDF delay file with all the timing delays annotated.
write_sdf top_timesim.sdf
   3. Parse the individual files or a project file, elaborate and generate a snapshot by appropriately annotating the SDF file, and then simulate.

      The Vivado simulator models use interconnect delays.

      As a result, additional switches are required for proper timing simulation, as follows:
-transport_int_delays -pulse_r 0 -pulse_int_r 0
xvlog top_timesim.v
xvlog testbench.v
xvlog $XILINX_VIVADO/data/verilog/src/glbl.v
xelab -debug typical -maxdelay -L secureip -L simprims_ver -transport_int_delays -pulse_r 0 -pulse_int_r 0 testbench glbl -s top_timesim
xsim top_timesim -gui

For more information on using Vivado Simulator and the command line options, please refer to (UG900) Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Logic Simulation.



Answer Number 问答标题 问题版本 已解决问题的版本
58879 Xilinx 仿真解决方案中心 — 设计助手 — Vivado 仿真器 — 时序仿真 N/A N/A
AR# 63988
日期 05/05/2015
状态 Active
Type 综合文章
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