AR# 55091


Vivado Power Solution Center - Known Issues


The article cover Power Articles related to current known issues as well as common questions related to Power.
Note: The article is part of Power Solution Center. The Power solution center for Xilinx Devices available to address questions related to Power.

When you are starting new design with any Xilinx devices  or trouble shooting any power related problems , use this Power solution center guide you and simplify work. 



Xilinx Answer 57888 -14.7 Xpower Analysis - "WARNING:Power - Processor frequency 1000.0 Mhz exceeds the MAX allowed 667.0 Mhz for this device..."

Xilinx Answer 57887- 2013.3 Vivado Power - When are the set, reset, and report_default_switching_activity commands being deprecated?

Xilinx Answer 57885 - 2013.3 Vivado Power - Vector less switching activity propagation is incorrect for DSP blocks 

Xilinx Answer 57884 - 2013.3 Vivado Power - reset_switching_activity command has no impact on clock signals

Xilinx Answer 57493 - 14.4 XPA - "EXCEPTION:Pds:Pds_PdmUsage.c:1419:1.24 - Invalid mode value specified"

Xilinx Answer 56291 - XPE revision 2013.1 (and earlier) reports incorrect Power-On Current for all Virtex-7 devices - Known Issues

Xilinx Answer 56291 -  XPE revision 2013.1 (and earlier) reports incorrect Power-On Current for all Virtex-7 devices - Known Issues

Xilinx Answer 54205 - 14.x XPower Analyzer - "EXCEPTION:Pds:Pds_PdlBlock.c:319:1.24 - Mode mismatch error."

Xilinx Answer 46832 - XPE - Power estimation importing .xpe from XPA

Xilinx Answer 45867 - 13.4 XPE - Increase in Write_First SDP 18K/36K BRAM

Xilinx Answer 30479 - 10.1 XPower Analyzer (XPA) - Known Issues for XPA

Xilinx Answer 24594 -  9.2i XPower Analyzer (XPA) - Known Issues for XPA Early Access (Limited Support)

 Xilinx Answer 20489 - 7.1i XPower - Power is not temperature dependent

 Xilinx Answer 20487 - 7.1i XPower - Device support for CoolRunner-IIA not yet available

Xilinx Answer 195456.3i XPower - "WARNING:Power:90 (Power:91) cannot change frequency/activity rate"

Xilinx Answer 19534 - 6.3i XPower - Using Ctrl-V to paste data into the Frequency column results in the following error: "Fatal error (GUIDUtilities:WinApp.c:657)..."

Xilinx Answer 195246.3i XPower - Worst case mode power estimate is lower than typical power values 

Xilinx Answer 19280 - 6.3i XPower - "WARNING:Power:91 - Can't change frequency of net GLOBAL_LOGIC1 to 0.16Mhz"

Xilinx Answer 17912 - 6.1i XPower - Attempting to save my settings causes the program to crash (Linux)

Xilinx Answer 17911 - 6.1i XPower - Running Estimate Activity Rates more than once causes power to increase

Xilinx Answer 179106.1i XPower - Running Estimate Activity Rates more than once causes power to increase

Xilinx Answer 17790 - 6.1i XPower - Repeatedly running "Estimate Activity Rates" causes power to increase for CPLD design

Xilinx Answer 17452 - 6.1i XPower - When running from the command line, the "-tb" switch must immediately follow the "-s" switch; Error reported: "error: Portability90"





Answer Number 问答标题 问题版本 已解决问题的版本
55087 Vivado Power Solution Center N/A N/A
AR# 55091
日期 03/03/2015
状态 Active
Type 解决方案中心
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