AR# 53544


Vivado Power Analysis - How do I simulate for accurate Power Analysis (SAIF)?


How do I simulate for accurate Power Analysis results?


To Generate SAIF for Power Analysis from ModelSim, in the generated .do file ensure the following:

  • Ensure that the transport option is specified see (Xilinx Answer 9872)
    vsim -voptargs="+acc" -t 1ps +transport_int_delays +pulse_r/10 +pulse_int_r/10 +maxdelays -L simprims_ver -L secureip -lib work testbench glbl
  • ModelSim trims some signals out of the design. To avoid this, add -voptargs="+acc":
    vsim -voptargs="+acc" -t 1ps +transport_int_delays +pulse_r/10 +pulse_int_r/10 +maxdelays -L simprims_ver -L secureip -lib work testbench glbl

For RTL simulation, ensure that the right options are provided to capture all of the input and output signals:

  • power add -in -inout -out /testbench/UUT/*

For timing simulation, ensure that the right options are provided to capture all the signal information including the inputs, outputs, and internal signals:

  • power add -in -inout -internal -out /testbench/UUT/*

After the run command, ensure that the SAIF information is captured to a file:

  • power report -all -bsaif test.saif
AR# 53544
日期 12/04/2014
状态 Active
Type 综合文章
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