Currently, the CORE Generator software incorrectly allows the RXAUI v2.1 core to be generated when select FB packages are selected.
The RXAUI core is only supported in the FlipChip (FF/FH) packages.
Also, the following devices are supported, but cannot currently be selected in the CORE Generator tool:
To work around this problem, the core can be generated for another supported Virtex-7 device and then re-targeted.
This issue is to be corrected in the next release of the core.
Answer Number | 问答标题 | 问题版本 | 已解决问题的版本 |
40630 | LogiCORE IP RXAUI v2.1 - Release Notes and Known Issues for the 13.1 ISE Software | N/A | N/A |
AR# 40865 | |
日期 | 09/08/2014 |
状态 | Archive |
Type | 综合文章 |
IP |