General Description: When trying to implement a design, an error is produced in map:
Error: basse - Unable to lock license for xc4013e. No such feature exists (-5,116).
The part described may be any part larger then 10k gates (eg XC4013E or greater, XC5215, XC4013XL or greater, XC4028EX or greater)
The error comes from trying to target a part larger than those supported by the BASE package (BAS, BSX, BOX).
To verify the license being used: 1. Verify the path assigned to the LM_LICENSE_FILE variable: Win95: At a DOS prompt, enter: echo %lm_license_file%
WinNT: Check the environment variable settings
This should produce a path, pointing to your license file.
2. Follow this path and open the license.dat file. On the INCREMENT or PACKAGE line, note the software package (eg FND-BAS-PC, FND-BSX-PC, FND-EXP-PC, FND-STD-PC, FND-BOX-PC ALI-BAS-PC, ALI-STD-PC).
If the software package has BAS, BSX or BOX, then it is a BASE package and does not support parts larger than 10k gates. BOX is the temporary license provided with the installation of the tools (it has another limitation - Bitgen is not licensed).
If the user has a STD or EXP license, but has not changed the LM_LICENSE_FILE variable from the installation settings, the tools are most likely still using the Temporary (limited - Base) license that is included with the tools. This license can be found in the fndtn\data directory and will have a software package type of FND-BOX-PC (Foundation tools).