AR# 35256


XM105 - What frequency range is supported by the Si570 clock source?


The XM105 Debug FMC card BOM and schematics list the Si570 clock source as part number 570BAB000544DG. This part has a supportedfrequency range of 10 - 810 MHz. In the XM105 Debug FMC Card User Guidev1.0.1 (UG537), itgives the supported frequency range as 10 - 945 MHz for the Si570 clock source.

What is the correct frequency range supported by the Si570 clock source on the XM105 card?


The BOM and schematics show the correct part, 570BAB000544DG, which supports a frequency range of 10 - 810 MHz.

v1.1 of XM105 Debug FMC Card User Guide(UG537) is updated to correct this range.
AR# 35256
日期 12/15/2012
状态 Active
Type 综合文章
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