C/C++ Kernels

In the Vitis core development kit, the kernel code is generally a compute-intensive part of the algorithm and meant to be accelerated on the FPGA. The Vitis core development kit supports the kernel code written in C/C++, OpenCL, and also in RTL. This guide mainly focuses on the C kernel coding style.

During the runtime, the C/C++ kernel executable is called through the host code executable.

IMPORTANT: Because the host code and the kernel code are developed and compiled independently, there could be a name mangling issue if one is written in C and the other in C++. To avoid this issue, wrap the kernel function declaration with the extern "C" linkage in the header file, or wrap the whole function in the kernel code.
extern "C" {
           void kernel_function(int *in, int *out, int size);

Data Types

As it is faster to write and verify the code by using native C data types such as int, float, or double, it is a common practice to use these data types when coding for the first time. However, the code is implemented in hardware and all the operator sizes used in the hardware are dependent on the data types used in the accelerator code. The default native C/C++ data types can result in larger and slower hardware resources that can limit the performance of the kernel. Instead, consider using bit-accurate data types to ensure the code is optimized for implementation in hardware. Using bit-accurate, or arbitrary precision data types, results in hardware operators which are smaller and faster. This allows more logic to be placed into the programmable logic and also allows the logic to execute at higher clock frequencies while using less power.

Consider using bit-accurate data types instead of native C/C++ data types in your code.

Note: Consider using bit-accurate data types instead of native C/C++ data types in your code.

In the following sections, the two most common arbitrary precision data types (arbitrary precision integer type and arbitrary precision fixed-point type) supported by the Vitis compiler are discussed.

Note: These data types should be used for C/C++ kernels only, not for OpenCL kernel (or inside the host code)

Arbitrary Precision Integer Types

Arbitrary precision integer data types are defined by ap_int or ap_uint for signed and unsigned integer respectively inside the header file ap_int.h. To use arbitrary precision integer data type:

  • Add header file ap_int.h to the source code.
  • Change the bit types to ap_int<N> or ap_uint<N>, where N is a bit-size from 1 to 1024.

The following example shows how the header file is added and the two variables are implemented to use 9-bit integer and 10-bit unsigned integer.

#include "ap_int.h" 
ap_int<9> var1 // 9 bit signed integer
ap_uint<10> var2 // 10 bit unsigned integer

Arbitrary Precision Fixed-Point Data Types

Some existing applications use floating point data types as they are written for other hardware architectures. However, fixed-point data types are a useful replacement for floating point types which require many clock cycles to complete. When choosing to implement floating-point versus fixed-point arithmetic for your application and accelerators, carefully evaluate trade-offs in power, cost, productivity, and precision.

As discussed in Reduce Power and Cost by Converting from Floating Point to Fixed Point (WP491), using fixed-point arithmetic instead of floating point for applications can increase power efficiency, and lower the total power required. Unless the entire range of the floating-point type is required, the same accuracy can often be implemented with a fixed-point type, resulting in the same accuracy with smaller and faster hardware.

Fixed-point data types model the data as an integer and fraction bits. The fixed-point data type requires the ap_fixed header, and supports both a signed and unsigned form as follows:

Header file
Signed fixed point
Unsigned fixed point
  • W = Total width < 1024 bits
  • I = Integer bit width. The value of I must be less than or equal to the width (W). The number of bits to represent the fractional part is W minus I. Only a constant integer expression can be used to specify the integer width.
  • Q = Quantization mode. Only predefined enumerated values can be used to specify Q. The accepted values are:
    • AP_RND: Rounding to plus infinity.
    • AP_RND_ZERO: Rounding to zero.
    • AP_RND_MIN_INF: Rounding to minus infinity.
    • AP_RND_INF: Rounding to infinity.
    • AP_RND_CONV: Convergent rounding.
    • AP_TRN: Truncation. This is the default value when Q is not specified.
    • AP_TRN_ZERO: Truncation to zero.
  • O = Overflow mode. Only predefined enumerated values can be used to specify O. The accepted values are:
    • AP_SAT: Saturation.
    • AP_SAT_ZERO: Saturation to zero.
    • AP_SAT_SYM: Symmetrical saturation.
    • AP_WRAP: Wrap-around. This is the default value when O is not specified.
    • AP_WRAP_SM: Sign magnitude wrap-around.
  • N = The number of saturation bits in the overflow WRAP modes. Only a constant integer expression can be used as the parameter value. The default value is zero.

In the example code below, the ap_fixed type is used to define a signed 18-bit variable with 6 bits representing the integer value above the binary point, and by implication, 12 bits representing the fractional value below the binary point. The quantization mode is set to round to plus infinity (AP_RND). Because the overflow mode and saturation bits are not specified, the defaults AP_WRAP and 0 are used.

#include <ap_fixed.h>
  ap_fixed<18,6,AP_RND> my_type;

When performing calculations where the variables have different numbers of bits (W), or different precision (I), the binary point is automatically aligned. For more information on using fixed-point data types, see C++ Arbitrary Precision Fixed-Point Types in the Vitis HLS User Guide (UG1399).


Two types of data transfer occur from the host machine to and from the kernels on the FPGA. Data pointers are transferred between the host CPU and the accelerator through global memory banks. Scalar data is passed directly from the host to the kernel.

The Vitis HLS tool, which is part of the Vitis core development kit, automatically assigns interface ports for the parameters of your C/C++ kernel function. These port assignments are made during the v++ compilation process. The following sections provide additional details of these interface ports, and your ability to manually assign them, or override the default assignments using the INTERFACE pragma. If there are no user-defined INTERFACE pragmas in the code, then the following interface protocols are assigned by the Vitis tool:

  • AXI4 Master interfaces (m_axi) are assigned to pointer arguments of the C/C++ function.
  • AXI4-Lite interfaces (s_axilite) are assigned to scalar arguments, control signals for arrays, global variables, and the return value of the software function.
  • Vitis HLS automatically infers BURST transactions to aggregate memory accesses to maximize the throughput bandwidth and/or minimize the latency. For more information on burst transfers, refer to Optimizing Burst Transfers in the Vitis HLS Flow.
  • When hls::stream is used to define a parameter type, the Vitis HLS tool infers an axis streaming interface.

Memory Mapped Interfaces

Memory mapped interfaces are inferred from pointer parameters. They allow kernels to read and write data in global memory, which is the memory that is shared between kernels and the host application. Therefore, memory mapped interfaces are a convenient way of sharing data across different elements of the accelerated application, but interfaces are only allowed for sequential and pipelined kernel execution modes as described in Kernel Execution Modes.

To customize the default interfaces assigned by the Vitis tools during compilation, you can use the INTERFACE pragma. For optimal performance, Xilinx recommends performing burst transfers, if possible up to the AXI protocol limit of 4 KB per transfer.

Kernel Interfaces

void cnn( int *pixel, // Input pixel
  int *weights, // Input Weight Matrix
  int *out, // Output pixel
  ... // Other input or Output ports

In the example above, the kernel function has three pointer parameters: pixel, weights, and out. By default the Vitis compiler will map these three parameters to the same AXI4 interface (m_axi).

The default interface mapping inferred by the compiler is equivalent to the following INTERFACE pragmas:

#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=pixel   offset=slave bundle=gmem
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=weights offset=slave bundle=gmem
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=out     offset=slave bundle=gmem
TIP: The inferred pragma is not added to the code by the tool; it is shown here to represent the default settings assigned to the interface port.

The bundle keyword on the INTERFACE pragma defines the name of the port. The system compiler will create a port for each unique bundle name, resulting in a compiled kernel object (.xo) that has a single AXI interface, m_axi_gmem. When the same bundle name is used for different interfaces, this results in these interfaces being mapped to same port.

TIP: The gmem name is short for global memory; however, it is not a keyword and is just used for consistency. You can assign your own names for the bundles.

Sharing ports helps save FPGA resources by eliminating AXI interfaces, but it can limit the performance of the kernel because all the memory transfers have to go through a single port. The m_axi port has independent READ and WRITE channels, so with a single m_axi port, you can do reads and writes simultaneously. However, the bandwidth and throughput of the kernel can be increased by creating multiple ports, using different bundle names, to connect to multiple memory banks. There are many options for configuring the INTERFACE, as described in pragma HLS interface. Some reasons to manually define an INTERFACE pragma in your code could include:

  • Specifying the bundle for the INTERFACE pragma to separate AXI signals into separate bundles.
  • Specifying the interface width to deviate from default int = 64 bytes (512-bits).
  • Specifying AXI properties for BURST transactions.
void cnn( int *pixel, // Input pixel
  int *weights, // Input Weight Matrix
  int *out, // Output pixel
  ... // Other input or Output ports
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=pixel   offset=slave bundle=gmem
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=weights offset=slave bundle=gmem1
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=out     offset=slave bundle=gmem

In the example above, two bundle names create two distinct ports: gmem and gmem1. The kernel will access pixel and out data through the gmem port, while weights data will be accessed through the gmem1 port. As a result, the kernel will be able to make parallel accesses to pixel and weights, potentially improving the throughput of the kernel.

IMPORTANT: Specify bundle= names using all lowercase characters, so you can assign it to a specific memory bank using the connectivity.sp option.

The INTERFACE pragma is used during v++ compilation, resulting in a compiled kernel object (.xo) with two separate AXI interfaces, m_axi_gmem and m_axi_gmem1, that can be connected to global memory as needed. During system compiler linking, the separate interfaces can be mapped to different global memory banks using the connectivity.sp option in a configuration file, as described in Mapping Kernel Ports to Global Memory.

Memory Interface Width Considerations

The maximum data width from the global memory to and from the kernel is 512-bits. To maximize the data transfer rate, it is recommended that you use this full data width. By default in the Vitis kernel flow, the Vitis HLS tool automatically re-sizes the kernel interface ports up to 512-bits to improve burst access. For more information, refer to Automatic Port Width Resizing in the Vitis HLS Flow.

There are some pros and cons to using the automatic port width resizing feature which you should consider when using this feature:

  • Improves the read latency from memory as the tool is reading a big vector, instead of the data type size.
  • Adds resources as it needs to buffer the big vector, and shift the data to the data path size.
  • Automatic port width resizing supports only standard C data types and does not support non-aggregate types such as ap_int, ap_uint, struct, or array.
TIP: You can disable automatic port widening, and manually size the kernel port if needed.

Reading and Writing by Burst

Accessing the global memory bank interface from the kernel has a large latency, so global memory transfer should be done in burst. To infer the burst, the following pipelined loop coding style is recommended.

hls::stream<datatype_t> str;

INPUT_READ: for(int i=0; i<INPUT_SIZE; i++) {
  #pragma HLS PIPELINE
  str.write(inp[i]); // Reading from Input interface

In the code example, a pipelined for loop is used to read data from the input memory interface, and writes to an internal hls::stream variable. The above coding style reads from the global memory bank in burst.

It is a recommended coding style to implement the for loop operation in the example above inside a separate function, and apply the dataflow optimization, as discussed in Dataflow Optimization. The code example below shows how this would look, letting the compiler establish dataflow between the read, execute, and write functions:

top_function(datatype_t * m_in, // Memory data Input
  datatype_t * m_out, // Memory data Output
  int inp1,     // Other Input
  int inp2) {   // Other Input

hls::stream<datatype_t> in_var1;   // Internal stream to transfer
hls::stream<datatype_t> out_var1;  // data through the dataflow region

read_function(m_in, inp1, in_var1); // Read function contains pipelined for loop 
                           // to infer burst

execute_function(in_var1, out_var1, inp1, inp2); // Core compute function

write_function(out_var1, m_out); // Write function contains pipelined for loop 
                                 // to infer burst

For more information on burst transfers, refer to Optimizing Burst Transfers in the Vitis HLS Flow.

Scalar Inputs

Scalar inputs are typically control variables that are directly loaded from the host machine. They can be thought of as programming data or parameters under which the main kernel computation takes place. These kernel inputs are write-only from the host side. In the following function, the scalar parameters are width and height.

void process_image(int *input, int *output, int width, int height) {

The scalar arguments are assigned a default INTERFACE pragma, which is inferred by the tool.

#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=width bundle=control
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=height bundle=control

In this example, there are two scalar inputs that specify the image width and height. These data inputs come to the kernel directly from the host machine and not through global memory banks. The pragmas shown are not added to the code by the tool.

IMPORTANT: Currently, the Vitis core development kit supports only one control interface bundle for each kernel. Therefore, the bundle= name should be same for all scalar data inputs and the function return. In the preceding example, bundle=control is used for all scalar inputs.

Streaming Interfaces

If the data is accessed sequentially, a streaming interface can be used. This interface enables direct streaming of data from the host to kernel, and from the kernel to host without the need to migrate the data through the global memory as an intermediate step. The streaming interface can also be used between two kernels where one kernel is streaming data as a producer to another kernel acting as a consumer. This transfer also occurs directly and without making use of global memory. For more information, refer to Streaming Data Transfers.

Process Execution Modes

As discussed in Kernel Execution Modes, there are three types of execution modes. These modes are determined by block protocols assigned to the kernels on the function return. The block protocol can be assigned using #pragma HLS INTERFACE. The modes and block protocol to enable them are listed below:

Enabled by the default block protocol of ap_ctrl_chain
Serial access mode enabled by ap_ctrl_hs
Enabled by ap_ctrl_none

For more information on how XRT supports these execution modes, refer to Supported Kernel Execution Models.

Pipeline Mode

If a kernel can accept more data while it is still operating on data from previous transactions, XRT can send the next batch of data as described in Temporal Data Parallelism: Host-to-Kernel Dataflow. Pipeline mode lets the kernel overlap multiple kernel enqueues, which improves the overall throughput.

To support pipeline mode, the kernel has to use the ap_ctrl_chain protocol, the default protocol used by HLS. This protocol can also be enabled by assigning the #pragma HLS INTERFACE to the function return as shown in the following example.

void kernel_name( int *inputs,
                  ...         )// Other input or Output ports
#pragma HLS INTERFACE  .....   // Other interface pragmas
#pragma HLS INTERFACE ap_ctrl_chain port=return bundle=control

For pipeline mode to be successful, the kernel should have a longer latency for the queue of the kernel, or else there would be insufficient time for the kernel to process each batch of data, and you would not see the benefit of the pipeline.

IMPORTANT: To take advantage of the host-to-kernel dataflow, the kernel must also be written to process data in stages, such as pipelined at the loop-level, as discussed in Loop Pipelining, or pipelined at the task-level, as discussed in Dataflow Optimization.

For legacy reasons, the kernel also supports sequential mode that can be configured using the ap_ctrl_hs block protocol for the function return in the #pragma HLS INTERFACE. If a pipelined kernel is unable to process data in a pipelined manner, it reverts to sequential mode.

Free-Running Mode

By default Vitis HLS generates a kernel with synchronization controlled by the host application. The host controls and monitors the start and end of the kernel. However, in some cases the kernel does not need to be controlled by the host, such as in a continuously running process or data stream. This is called a free running kernel, as it is free of any control handshake. The Vitis tool supports this using the ap_ctrl_none block protocol in the #pragma HLS INTERFACE as shown in the following example.

void kernel_top(hls::stream<ap_axiu >& input, hls::stream<ap_axiu >& output) 
#pragma HLS interface axis port=input 
#pragma HLS interface axis port=output 
#pragma HLS interface ap_ctrl_none port=return // Special pragma for Free running kernel 
// The kernel is using DATAFLOW optimization 
while(1) { ... } 

The kernel will run only when there is data available at the input if configured using the AXI4-Stream interface. Otherwise the kernel stalls and waits for more data. For additional details, refer to Streaming Data Transfers.


Loops are an important aspect for a high performance accelerator. Generally, loops are either pipelined or unrolled to take advantage of the highly distributed and parallel FPGA architecture to provide a performance boost compared to running on a CPU.

By default, loops are neither pipelined nor unrolled. Each iteration of the loop takes at least one clock cycle to execute in hardware. Thinking from the hardware perspective, there is an implicit wait until clock for the loop body. The next iteration of a loop only starts when the previous iteration is finished.

Loop Pipelining

By default, every iteration of a loop only starts when the previous iteration has finished. In the loop example below, a single iteration of the loop adds two variables and stores the result in a third variable. Assume that in hardware this loop takes three cycles to finish one iteration. Also, assume that the loop variable len is 20, that is, the vadd loop runs for 20 iterations in the kernel. Therefore, it requires a total of 60 clock cycles (20 iterations * 3 cycles) to complete all the operations of this loop.

vadd: for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
  c[i] = a[i] + b[i];
TIP: It is good practice to always label a loop as shown in the above code example (vadd:…). This practice helps with debugging when working in the Vitis core development kit. Note that the labels generate warnings during compilation, which can be safely ignored.
Pipelining the loop executes subsequent iterations in a pipelined manner. This means that subsequent iterations of the loop overlap and run concurrently, executing at different sections of the loop-body. Pipelining a loop can be enabled by the pragma HLS pipeline. Note that the pragma is placed inside the body of the loop.
vadd: for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
  #pragma HLS PIPELINE
  c[i] = a[i] + b[i];

In the example above, it is assumed that every iteration of the loop takes three cycles: read, add, and write. Without pipelining, each successive iteration of the loop starts in every third cycle. With pipelining the loop can start subsequent iterations of the loop in fewer than three cycles, such as in every second cycle, or in every cycle.

The number of cycles it takes to start the next iteration of a loop is called the initiation interval (II) of the pipelined loop. So II = 2 means each successive iteration of the loop starts every two cycles. An II = 1 is the ideal case, where each iteration of the loop starts in the very next cycle. When you use pragma HLS PIPELINE, the compiler always tries to achieve II = 1 performance.

The following figure illustrates the difference in execution between pipelined and non-pipelined loops. In this figure, (A) shows the default sequential operation where there are three clock cycles between each input read (II = 3), and it requires eight clock cycles before the last output write is performed.

Figure 1: Loop Pipelining
In the pipelined version of the loop shown in (B), a new input sample is read every cycle (II = 1) and the final output is written after only four clock cycles: substantially improving both the II and latency while using the same hardware resources.
IMPORTANT: Pipelining a loop causes any loops nested inside the pipelined loop to get unrolled.

If there are data dependencies inside a loop, as discussed in Loop Dependencies, it might not be possible to achieve II = 1, and a larger initiation interval might be the result.

Loop Unrolling

The compiler can also unroll a loop, either partially or completely to perform multiple loop iterations in parallel. This is done using the pragma HLS unroll. Unrolling a loop can lead to a very fast design, with significant parallelism. However, because all the operations of the loop iterations are executed in parallel, a large amount of programmable logic resource are required to implement the hardware. As a result, the compiler can face challenges dealing with such a large number of resources and can face capacity problems that slow down the kernel compilation process. It is a good guideline to unroll loops that have a small loop body, or a small number of iterations.
vadd: for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
  #pragma HLS UNROLL
  c[i] = a[i] + b[i];

In the preceding example, you can see pragma HLS UNROLL has been inserted into the body of the loop to instruct the compiler to unroll the loop completely. All 20 iterations of the loop are executed in parallel if that is permitted by any data dependency.

TIP: Completely unrolling a loop can consume significant device resources, while partially unrolling the loop provides some performance improvement while using fewer hardware resources.

Partially Unrolled Loop

To completely unroll a loop, the loop must have a constant bound (20 in the example above). However, partial unrolling is possible for loops with a variable bound. A partially unrolled loop means that only a certain number of loop iterations can be executed in parallel.

The following code examples illustrates how partially unrolled loops work:
array_sum:for(int i=0;i<4;i++){
  #pragma HLS UNROLL factor=2
  sum += arr[i];

In the above example the UNROLL pragma is given a factor of 2. This is the equivalent of manually duplicating the loop body and running the two loops concurrently for half as many iterations. The following code shows how this would be written. This transformation allows two iterations of the above loop to execute in parallel.

array_sum_unrolled:for(int i=0;i<4;i+=2){
  // Manual unroll by a factor 2
  sum += arr[i];
  sum += arr[i+1];

Just like data dependencies inside a loop impact the initiation interval of a pipelined loop, an unrolled loop performs operations in parallel only if data dependencies allow it. If operations in one iteration of the loop require the result from a previous iteration, they cannot execute in parallel, but execute as soon as the data from one iteration is available to the next.

Note: A good methodology is to PIPELINE loops first, and then UNROLL loops with small loop bodies and limited iterations to improve performance further.

Loop Dependencies

Data dependencies in loops can impact the results of loop pipelining or unrolling. These loop dependencies can be within a single iteration of a loop or between different iterations of a loop. The straightforward method to understand loop dependencies is to examine an extreme example. In the following code example, the result of the loop is used as the loop continuation or exit condition. Each iteration of the loop must finish before the next can start.

Minim_Loop: while (a != b) { 
  if (a > b) 
    a -= b; 
    b -= a;

This loop cannot be pipelined. The next iteration of the loop cannot begin until the previous iteration ends.

Dealing with various types of dependencies with the Vitis compiler is an extensive topic requiring a detailed understanding of the high-level synthesis procedures underlying the compiler. For more information, refer to "Dependencies with Vitis HLS" in Vitis HLS User Guide (UG1399).

Nested Loops

Coding with nested loops is a common practice. Understanding how loops are pipelined in a nested loop structure is key to achieving the desired performance.

If the HLS PIPELINE pragma is applied to a loop nested inside another loop, the v++ compiler attempts to flatten the loops to create a single loop, and apply the PIPELINE pragma to the constructed loop. The loop flattening helps in improving the performance of the kernel.

The compiler is able to flatten the following types of nested loops:

  1. Perfect nested loop:
    • Only the inner loop has a loop body.
    • There is no logic or operations specified between the loop declarations.
    • All the loop bounds are constant.
  2. Semi-perfect nested loop:
    • Only the inner loop has a loop body.
    • There is no logic or operations specified between the loop declarations.
    • The inner loop bound must be a constant, but the outer loop bound can be a variable.

The following code example illustrates the structure of a perfect nested loop:

ROW_LOOP: for(int i=0; i< MAX_HEIGHT; i++) {
  COL_LOOP: For(int j=0; j< MAX_WIDTH; j++) {
    #pragma HLS PIPELINE
    // Main computation per pixel

The above example shows a nested loop structure with two loops that performs some computation on incoming pixel data. In most cases, you want to process a pixel in every cycle, hence, PIPELINE is applied to the nested loop body structure. The compiler is able to flatten the nested loop structure in the example because it is a perfect nested loop.

The nested loop in the preceding example contains no logic between the two loop declarations. No logic is placed between the ROW_LOOP and COL_LOOP; all of the processing logic is inside the COL_LOOP. Also, both the loops have a fixed number of iterations. These two criteria help the v++ compiler flatten the loops and apply the PIPELINE constraint.

Note: If the outer loop has a variable boundary, then the compiler can still flatten the loop. You should always try to have a constant boundary for the inner loop.

Sequential Loops

If there are multiple loops in the design, by default they do not overlap, and execute sequentially. This section introduces the concept of dataflow optimization for sequential loops. Consider the following code example:
void adder(unsigned int *in, unsigned int *out, int inc, int size) {

  unsigned int in_internal[MAX_SIZE];
  unsigned int out_internal[MAX_SIZE];
  mem_rd: for (int i = 0 ; i < size ; i++){
    #pragma HLS PIPELINE
    // Reading from the input vector "in" and saving to internal variable
    in_internal[i] = in[i];
  compute: for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {
  #pragma HLS PIPELINE
    out_internal[i] = in_internal[i] + inc;

  mem_wr: for(int i=0; i<size; i++) {
  #pragma HLS PIPELINE
    out[i] = out_internal[i];

In the previous example, three sequential loops are shown: mem_rd, compute, and mem_wr.

  • The mem_rd loop reads input vector data from the memory interface and stores it in internal storage.
  • The main compute loop reads from the internal storage and performs an increment operation and saves the result to another internal storage.
  • The mem_wr loop writes the data back to memory from the internal storage.

This code example is using two separate loops for reading and writing from/to the memory input/output interfaces to infer burst read/write.

By default, these loops are executed sequentially without any overlap. First, the mem_rd loop finishes reading all the input data before the compute loop starts its operation. Similarly, the compute loop finishes processing the data before the mem_wr loop starts to write the data. However, the execution of these loops can be overlapped, allowing the compute (or mem_wr) loop to start as soon as there is enough data available to feed its operation, before the mem_rd (or compute) loop has finished processing its data.

The loop execution can be overlapped using dataflow optimization as described in Dataflow Optimization.

Dataflow Optimization

Dataflow optimization is a powerful technique to improve the kernel performance by enabling task-level pipelining and parallelism inside the kernel. It allows the v++ compiler to schedule multiple functions of the kernel to run concurrently to achieve higher throughput and lower latency. This is also known as task-level parallelism.

The following figure shows a conceptual view of dataflow pipelining. The default behavior is to execute and complete func_A, then func_B, and finally func_C. With the pragma HLS dataflow enabled, the compiler can schedule each function to execute as soon as data is available. In this example, the original top function has a latency and interval of eight clock cycles. With the dataflow optimization, the interval is reduced to only three clock cycles.

Figure 2: Dataflow Optimization

Dataflow Coding Example

In the dataflow coding example you should notice the following:

  1. The pragma HLS dataflow is applied to instruct the compiler to enable dataflow optimization. This is not a data mover, which deals with interfacing between the PS and PL, but instead addresses how the data flows through the accelerator.
  2. The stream class is used as a data transferring channel between each of the functions in the dataflow region.
    TIP: The stream class infers a first-in first-out (FIFO) memory circuit in the programmable logic. This memory circuit, which acts as a queue in software programming, provides data-level synchronization between the functions and achieves better performance.
void compute_kernel(ap_int<256> *inx, ap_int<256> *outx, DTYPE alpha) {
  hls::stream<unsigned int>inFifo;
  #pragma HLS STREAM variable=inFifo depth=32
  hls::stream<unsigned int>outFifo; 
  #pragma HLS STREAM variable=outFifo depth=32

  #pragma HLS DATAFLOW
  read_data(inx, inFifo);
  // Do computation with the acquired data
  compute(inFifo, outFifo, alpha);
  write_data(outx, outFifo);

Canonical Forms of Dataflow Optimization

Xilinx recommends writing the code inside a dataflow region using canonical forms. There are canonical forms for dataflow optimizations for both functions and loops.
  • Functions: The canonical form coding guideline for dataflow inside a function specifies:
    1. Use only the following types of variables inside the dataflow region:
      1. Local non-static scalar/array/pointer variables.
      2. Local static hls::stream variables.
    2. Function calls transfer data only in the forward direction.
    3. Array or hls::stream should have only one producer function and one consumer function.
    4. The function arguments (variables coming from outside the dataflow region) should only be read, or written, not both. If performing both read and write on the same function argument then read should happen before write.
    5. The local variables (those that are transferring data in forward direction) should be written before being read.

    The following code example illustrates the canonical form for dataflow within a function. Note that the first function (func1) reads the inputs and the last function (func3) writes the outputs. Also note that one function creates output values that are passed to the next function as input parameters.

    void dataflow(Input0, Input1, Output0, Output1) {
      UserDataType C0, C1, C2;
      #pragma HLS DATAFLOW
      func1(read Input0, read Input1, write C0, write C1);
      func2(read C0, read C1, write C2);
      func3(read C2, write Output0, write Output1);
  • Loop: The canonical form coding guideline for dataflow inside a loop body includes the coding guidelines for a function defined above, and also specifies the following:
    1. Initial value 0.
    2. The loop condition is formed by a comparison of the loop variable with a numerical constant or variable that does not vary inside the loop body.
    3. Increment by 1.

    The following code example illustrates the canonical form for dataflow within a loop.

    void dataflow(Input0, Input1, Output0, Output1) {
    	 		UserDataType C0, C1, C2;
    	 		for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
                      #pragma HLS DATAFLOW
    	             func1(read Input0, read Input1, write C0, write C1);
    	             func2(read C0, read C0, read C1, write C2);
    	             func3(read C2, write Output0, write Output1);

Troubleshooting Dataflow

The following behaviors can prevent the Vitis compiler from performing dataflow optimizations:

  1. Single producer-consumer violations.
  2. Bypassing tasks.
  3. Feedback between tasks.
  4. Conditional execution of tasks.
  5. Loops with multiple exit conditions or conditions defined within the loop.

If any of the above conditions occur inside the dataflow region, you might need to re-architect your code to successfully achieve dataflow optimization.

Array Configuration

The Vitis compiler maps large arrays to the block RAM memory in the PL region. These block RAM can have a maximum of two access points or ports. This can limit the performance of the application as all the elements of an array cannot be accessed in parallel when implemented in hardware.

Depending on the performance requirements, you might need to access some or all of the elements of an array in the same clock cycle. To achieve this, the pragma HLS array_partition can be used to instruct the compiler to split the elements of an array and map it to smaller arrays, or to individual registers. The compiler provides three types of array partitioning, as shown in the following figure. The three types of partitioning are:

  • block: The original array is split into equally sized blocks of consecutive elements of the original array.
  • cyclic: The original array is split into equally sized blocks interleaving the elements of the original array.
  • complete: Split the array into its individual elements. This corresponds to resolving a memory into individual registers. This is the default for the ARRAY_PARTITION pragma.
Figure 3: Partitioning Arrays

For block and cyclic partitioning, the factor option specifies the number of arrays that are created. In the preceding figure, a factor of 2 is used to split the array into two smaller arrays. If the number of elements in the array is not an integer multiple of the factor, the later arrays will have fewer elements.

When partitioning multi-dimensional arrays, the dimension option is used to specify which dimension is partitioned. The following figure shows how the dimension option is used to partition the following example code in three different ways:
void foo (...) {
  // my_array[dim=1][dim=2][dim=3] 
  // The following three pragma results are shown in the figure below
  // #pragma HLS ARRAY_PARTITION variable=my_array dim=3 <block|cyclic> factor=2
  // #pragma HLS ARRAY_PARTITION variable=my_array dim=1 <block|cyclic> factor=2
  // #pragma HLS ARRAY_PARTITION variable=my_array dim=0 complete
  int  my_array[10][6][4];
Figure 4: Partitioning the Dimensions of an Array

The examples in the figure demonstrate how partitioning dimension 3 results in four separate arrays and partitioning dimension 1 results in 10 separate arrays. If 0 is specified as the dimension, all dimensions are partitioned.

The Importance of Careful Partitioning

A complete partition of the array maps all the array elements to the individual registers. This helps in improving the kernel performance because all of these registers can be accessed concurrently in a same cycle.

CAUTION: Complete partitioning of the large arrays consumes a lot of PL region. It could even cause the compilation process to slow down and face capacity issue. Partition the array only when it is needed. Consider selectively partitioning a particular dimension or performing a block or cycle partitioning.

Choosing a Specific Dimension to Partition

Suppose A and B are two-dimensional arrays representing two matrices. Consider the following Matrix Multiplication algorithm:
int A[64][64];
int B[64][64];
ROW_WISE: for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
  COL_WISE : for (int j = 0; j < 64; j++) {
    #pragma HLS PIPELINE
    int result = 0;
    COMPUTE_LOOP: for (int k = 0; k < 64; k++) {
      result += A[i ][ k] * B[k ][ j];
    C[i][ j] = result;
Due to the PIPELINE pragma, the ROW_WISE and COL_WISE loop is flattened together and COMPUTE_LOOP is fully unrolled. To concurrently execute each iteration (k) of the COMPUTE_LOOP, the code must access each column of matrix A and each row of matrix B in parallel. Therefore, the matrix A should be split in the second dimension, and matrix B should be split in the first dimension.
#pragma HLS ARRAY_PARTITION variable=A dim=2 complete
#pragma HLS ARRAY_PARTITION variable=B dim=1 complete

Choosing Between Cyclic and Block Partitions

Here the same matrix multiplication algorithm is used to demonstrate choosing between cyclic and block partitioning and determining the appropriate factor, by understanding the array access pattern of the underlying algorithm.

int A[64 * 64];
int B[64 * 64];
#pragma HLS ARRAY_PARTITION variable=A dim=1 cyclic factor=64
#pragma HLS ARRAY_PARTITION variable=B dim=1 block factor=64
ROW_WISE: for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
  COL_WISE : for (int j = 0; j < 64; j++) {
    #pragma HLS PIPELINE
    int result = 0;
    COMPUTE_LOOP: for (int k = 0; k < 64; k++) {
      result += A[i * 64 +  k] * B[k * 64 + j];
    C[i* 64 + j] = result;

In this version of the code, A and B are now one-dimensional arrays. To access each column of matrix A and each row of matrix B in parallel, cyclic and block partitions are used as shown in the above example. To access each column of matrix A in parallel, cyclic partitioning is applied with the factor specified as the row size, in this case 64. Similarly, to access each row of matrix B in parallel, block partitioning is applied with the factor specified as the column size, or 64.

Minimizing Array Accesses with Caching

As arrays are mapped to block RAM with limited number of access ports, repeated array accesses can limit the performance of the accelerator. You should have a good understanding of the array access pattern of the algorithm, and limit the array accesses by locally caching the data to improve the performance of the kernel.

The following code example shows a case in which accesses to an array can limit performance in the final implementation. In this example, there are three accesses to the array mem[N] to create a summed result.
#include "array_mem_bottleneck.h"
dout_t array_mem_bottleneck(din_t mem[N]) {  
  dout_t sum=0;
  int i;
    sum += mem[i] + mem[i-1] + mem[i-2];    
  return sum;
The code in the preceding example can be rewritten as shown in the following example to allow the code to be pipelined with a II = 1. By performing pre-reads and manually pipelining the data accesses, there is only one array read specified inside each iteration of the loop. This ensures that only a single-port block RAM is needed to achieve the performance.
#include "array_mem_perform.h"
dout_t array_mem_perform(din_t mem[N]) {  
  din_t tmp0, tmp1, tmp2;
  dout_t sum=0;
  int i;
  tmp0 = mem[0];
  tmp1 = mem[1];
  SUM_LOOP:for (i = 2; i < N; i++) { 
    tmp2 = mem[i];
    sum += tmp2 + tmp1 + tmp0;
    tmp0 = tmp1;
    tmp1 = tmp2;
  return sum;
Note: Consider minimizing the array access by caching to local registers to improve the pipelining performance depending on the algorithm.

Function Inlining

C code generally consists of several functions. By default, each function is compiled, and optimized separately by the Vitis compiler. A unique hardware module will be generated for the function body and reused as needed.

From a performance perspective, in general it is better to inline the function, or dissolve the function hierarchy. This helps Vitis compiler to perform optimization more globally across the function boundary. For example, if a function is called inside a pipelined loop, then inlining the function helps the compiler to do more aggressive optimization and results in a better pipeline performance of the loop (lower initiation interval or II number).

The following INLINE pragma placed inside the function body instruct the compiler to inline the function.
foo_sub (p, q) {
  #pragma HLS INLINE

However, if the function body is very big and called several times inside the main kernel function, then inlining the function may cause capacity issues due to consuming too many resources. In cases like that you might not inline such functions, and let the v++ compiler optimize the function separately in its local context.


As discussed in earlier topics, several important aspects of coding the kernel for FPGA acceleration using C/C++ include the following points:

  1. Consider using arbitrary precision data types, ap_int, and ap_fixed.
  2. Understand kernel interfaces to determine scalar and memory interfaces. Use bundle switch with different names if separate DDR memory banks will be specified in the linking stage.
  3. Use Burst read and write coding style from and to the memory interface.
  4. Consider exploiting the full width of DDR banks during the data transfer when selecting width of memory data inputs and outputs.
  5. Get the greatest performance boost using pipelining and dataflow.
  6. Write perfect or semi-perfect nested loop structure so that the v++ compiler can flatten and apply pipeline effectively.
  7. Unroll loops with a small number of iterations and low operation count inside the loop body.
  8. Consider understanding the array access pattern and apply complete partition to specific dimensions or apply block or cyclic partitioning instead of a complete partition of the whole array.
  9. Minimize the array access by using local cache to improve kernel performance.
  10. Consider inlining the function, specifically inside the pipelined region. Functions inside the dataflow should not be inlined.