Let's build the adaptable, intelligent word together! Here is your developer hub to get involved with the Xilinx community and participate in Xilinx contests.
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Community Projects
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Community Forums
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Project of the Month
Have an innovative Vitis, Vitis AI, or Vivado project to share? Post it on the Xilinx Hackster Community Page for a chance to be featured on the homepage of the Xilinx Developer Site as the top project of the month!
Project of the month >
Sell Your Application on the App Store
The Xilinx App Store offers a powerful platform to host, market and sell your solutions using a managed, easy to use, secure digital rights management (DRM) infrastructure.
Become a Seller >
Stay up to date on future Xilinx contests and explore the projects of previous winners.
In summer 2020, we kicked off the first-ever Xilinx Adaptive Computing Challenge! We challenged both individual developers and startups to create a design solution to accelerate workloads using Vitis / Vitis AI. We couldn't be more excited about the amazing submissions for both of our contests!
Stay tuned for the 2021 Adaptive Computing Challenge!
Joining the Xilinx Developer program gives you access to the resources necessary to build your applications successfully on all Xilinx platforms. Benefits of your membership include: Access to free training courses on Xilinx tools and platforms, Opportunities to showcase your projects and articles on the Xilinx Developer site, and much more!