This README contains installation instructions for 32-bit hardware server included in this package.
-The package includes 32-bit version of hw_server and necessary JTAG cable drivers for both Linux and Windows.
-The package does NOT include Vivado Design Suite.
-The package does NOT include an installer.
Follow the steps below to install and run the 32-bit version of hardware server:
Before proceeding, you MUST disconnect all Xilinx Platform Cable USB II cables.
1) Unzip the package on your machine (e.g. c:\Xilinx)
2) Install cable drivers by executing the install_drivers_wrapper.bat from /data/xicom/cable_drivers/nt
You MUST install the driver files with the admin privileges (i.e. Run as administrator).
You can check install_drivers_wrapper.log to verify cable driver installation.
3) Invoke hw_server.bat from /bin folder
1) Unzip the package on your machine
2) Install cable drivers by executing install_drivers from /data/xicom/cable_drivers/lin/install_script/install_drivers
You MUST install the driver files with the admin privileges.
3) Invoke hw_server from /bin folder