BER Performance for Soft-Decision FEC v1.1

Vivado Design Suite Release 2021.2

Table of Contents

LDPC BER Performance

Clock frequencies of 667 MHz on core_clk and 400 MHz on other clocks are assumed. However, for details on the clock frequency supported by a device and resource utilization, visit the Performance and Resource Utilization web page. Packing is assumed to be enabled; if disabled, then for codes with PSIZE ≤ 64 there is likely to be a significant throughput reduction.

5G New Radio

The 5G New Radio (NR) BER performance is shown in the following plots. This includes puncturing of the first 2*Z information bits (where Z=PSIZE). For each SNR point, groups of 4800 blocks, or frames, have been run until 75 frame errors have occurred. The decoder has been configured with a maximum of 32 iterations and early termination on parity pass. BPSK modulation and LLR demodulation has been used along with an AWGN channel. Additional LLR scaling has been applied at the input of the decode to maximize its dynamic range. The tables below show the scaling factors used and the normalization factors used for each code.

Scaling Factors

SNR LLR Scaling SNR LLR Scaling SNR LLR Scaling SNR LLR Scaling SNR LLR Scaling
-5 1.9375 -2.25 1.3125 0.5 0.90625 3.25 0.59375 6 0.40625
-4.75 1.875 -2 1.28125 0.75 0.875 3.5 0.5625 6.25 0.375
-4.5 1.78125 -1.75 1.21875 1 0.84375 3.75 0.5625 6.5 0.375
-4.25 1.78125 -1.5 1.1875 1.25 0.8125 4 0.53125 6.75 0.34375
-4 1.65625 -1.25 1.125 1.5 0.78125 4.25 0.5 7 0.34375
-3.75 1.625 -1 1.09375 1.75 0.75 4.5 0.5 7.25 0.3125
-3.5 1.5625 -0.75 1.0625 2 0.71875 4.75 0.46875 7.5 0.3125
-3.25 1.53125 -0.5 1.03125 2.25 0.6875 5 0.46875 7.75 0.28125
-3 1.4375 -0.25 1 2.5 0.6875 5.25 0.4375 8 0.28125
-2.75 1.40625 0 0.96875 2.75 0.65625 5.5 0.4375 - -
-2.5 1.375 0.25 0.9375 3 0.625 5.75 0.40625 - -

Normalization Factors

Code Name N K Rate (K/N) P Size Normalization
graph1_l5_p32 864 704 0.815 32 0.8125
graph1_l5_p384 10368 8448 0.815 384 0.8125
graph2_l7_p32 544 320 0.588 32 0.8125
graph2_l7_p384 6528 3840 0.588 384 0.8125
graph1_l46_p32 2176 704 0.324 32 0.6875
graph1_l46_p384 26112 8448 0.324 384 0.6875
graph2_l42_p32 1664 320 0.192 32 0.5625
graph2_l42_p384 19968 3840 0.192 384 0.5625

WiFi 802.11

The WiFi 802.11ac BER performance is shown in the following plots. For each SNR point, groups of 10,000 blocks, or frames, have been run until 500 frame errors have occurred. The decoder has been configured with a maximum of 32 iterations and early termination on parity pass. BPSK modulation and LLR demodulation has been used along with an AWGN channel. The default normalization factor of 12/16 has been used for all the codes.


The DOCSIS 3.1 BER performance is shown in the following plots. For each SNR point, groups of 10,000 blocks, or frames, have been run until 500 frame errors have occurred. The decoder has been configured with a maximum of 32 iterations and early termination on parity pass. BPSK modulation and LLR demodulation has been used along with an AWGN channel. The default normalization factor of 12/16 has been used for all the codes.

Turbo Decode BER Performance

The Turbo Decode BER performance is shown in the following plots. The plots have been generated by a hardware based BER tester using BPSK modulation and LLR demodulation which includes an additional 0.5 scaling applied to the LLR values. For each SNR point, groups of 10,000 blocks, or frames, have been run until 500 frame errors have occurred. The Turbo decode has been configured with a maximum of 32 iterations with early termination on CRC pass.

Max Scale (Scale Factor 0.75)

Max Star


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